Sacred Heart University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


most popular are the school clubs as well as the student activities


A bar school, 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Very few parties.


Habitat is huge on campus. The guest speakers that come are also always interesting.


I found the most popular groups, teams, clubs to be Habitat for Humanity, Faterities/Sororities, Dance team, football, Lacrosse, Basketball, Ice Hockey(Div 1 and club), Best Buddies, Sunshine kids, mentoring(at a local elementary school). I participated in club field hockey, mentoring, and habitat. Each of these activities were a lot of fun and each had something different to enjoy. I would highly reccomend getting involved from the start. You meet a lot of new people and it looks good later on :-). Depending on the sport, athletic events are very popular and very supportive of our teams. I also enjoyed the guest speakers. I'm glad one of my teachers made it extra credit to go to them because most of them were pretty good. I met my friends through orientation, the people who lived on my floor, in class, attending activities, and through other friends. Normally if I was up at 2am on Tuesday, I was probably doing hw( bad habit). Each year people attend homecoming. Other events that happen each year are concerts (normally 2/year), carnivals, more opportunities for freshman to meet people. Other things to do on a Saturday night could involve seeing a movie, going out to dinner with a bunch of friends, staying in and watching movies, occaisionally there are trips to the city for shu students, or bowling(if someone can drive).


Not too much to do. Bridgeport is a terrible area, and the clubs/bars are all in bad areas. Very costly - cabs + entrance fees + drinks. RAs are VERY strict in dorms - if you plan on drinking in your room you must be very quiet or else you will get written up, which means you have to pay a $50 fine, your parents receive a letter and you must attend an alcohol awareness class with the RHD.


If there is not a division 1 team for a particular sport, there is most likely a club for it...or even better, one can start a club for it! So there are always things to do. In my experience, students go home when they are forced Christmas break when the dorms are closed. Otherwise, there are always people around to hang out and have fun with. There are different things to do for every person, whether it'd going out and the bar scene, school held events like comedians, or the theatre. I cannot wait for when I am a senior and get to experience Senior Week. It is a time when all seniors spend a week living in the freshman dorms together, and the school plans events all week..nights out at bars/restaurants, a formal dance,etc.


There are a lot of speakers, and social life only takes place on the weekends.


ALL SHU STUDENTS DO IS DRINK. It's sad really. I don't drink much, but I am considered a minortiy at school. It's pathetic. I have never seen so much alcohol. And you know what, most of the students who go over the top are those who are from Long Island and live the excessive lifestyle. I guess they enjoy playing into the stereotype. Personally, I don't have time to have much of a social life due to graduate school. But, my friends and I occasionally get some beers and play video games. I also try to spend as much time as I can with the woman who means more to me than anything else on Earth. She is very special to me and I am happy that she has been by my side for my entire college career.


There are many activities put on by the school but the main social activity is drinking. The school very much downplays the amount of drinking and is rather harsh on the punishment if caught with liqour on the dry campus. Fraternites and sororities are not as popular here as in other schools but they do exist.


could use a bit more social life especially on the weekends.