Sacred Heart University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are a ton of clubs on campus. We have a club for almost anything. I am on the dance team which is ranked 4th in the nation. It is considered a club sport but we do more than just dance at the football and basketball games. The dorms are always a fun place. For the most part people leave their doors open and everyone intermingles. It just depends on the the people that live on your floor. If they aren't, then just go to another floor and walk around. The school brings some pretty cool people to come and speak. We've had Robin Roberts and Lisa Ling these past 2 years. They offer an interesting lecture series. We have frats and sororities but they aren't the popular thing to do. But they are here if interested. They aren't national frats or sororities so your friends from home will have never heard of them. On the weekend everyone typically goes to the same bar down the road. It is all SHU students. Once you get older people will take the train into New Haven and goes out to the bars and clubs there. There are a couple of 18+ clubs that you can go to. Or just the usual house party.


There is plenty to do here at SHU. There is always something going on. What is done a lot of the time is there are trips to certain places. Some go to New York City to see a Broadway play, or to a Yankee game. I recently went on a trip to Boston for 5 dollars, and am going to a Yankee game soon that was 7 dollars. As you can see these trips wont make a huge dent in your wallet, which is great on a college students budget. We also have two concerts a year. This year we had Lifehouse come, and Neyo and Tpain. When it comes to fraternaties and sororities... it's not like some extremely greek schools where you have to be in a sorority/fraternity to be someone, that's not the case here at SHU. I think it's a good way to meet people and the greek system is something that could be very interesting.


The University offers a large array of guest speakers every year for students to become involved. For the most part they are very interesting and a great learning experience. Altho the University is not directly involved with fraternities/sororities, we still offer many groups. On the weekends there isn't much to do unless you like to go out to 18+ bars. Its becomes hard to entertain friends on campus unless it's basketball season.


the most popular groups on campus are sororties, frats, and sports teams. I'm involved with the psych club. yes people leave their doors up. athletic events are popular, but not the highlight of the week. I met my closest friends in class or because they lived next door to me freshman year. If i was awake on tuesday at 2am i would probabily be watching tv or doing homework. Mr. shu happens every year, along with the dance recitols. people party every weekend and frats and sororities are very popular and important to a lot of people. Last weekend i went to six flags, and studied all friday and saturday.. it was really boring but i needed to get work done. On a saturday night, you can go to a movie, but a lot of people go out.


I don't really know much about activities and social life at shu because i'm a commuter. But off campus i just chill at home and hang out with my friends.


Sacred Heart has a very active student body - in fact you would probably be hard pressed to find someone who isn't involved in some activity or another. I am a member of greek life and we have our own little 'love to hate cha' family, but weather its dance, athletics - whatever...people are involved. Greek life is always putting on some event, and we have our own 'greek olympics' in the fall. Sacred Heart also has a healthy party scene. There are several bars that the age impaired have no prob working their way into, and also some chill strictly 21+ bars in our 'lovely' local Bridegeport area. There is always some house party to crash on the weekend, and some classic local diners where you can nurse your hang over.


all sports teams are popluar. i hang out with the softball team and plan on trying out next season. they are great girls and really took me in under their wings my first couple of weeks here (im a second semester transfer). students always leave their dorms open and thats a warm feeling because you interact with everyone on your floor and become a family. the althetic events are pretty popular when there are home games and any events on campus are usually crowded. if i am awake at 2am (which is usually everyday) i am hanging out and talking with my friends and doing homework or studying for a test. people party all weekend. off campus you can go into new haven and go to clubs, you can go downtown fairfield and pretty much can just do whatever you want.


You need to be part of an organization such as Res. Life, Student Government, Greek Life otherwise you'll be bored out of your mind! These organizations always put on events and activities to do over the weekend and during the week.


Some of the most popular groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus are the men's rugby team, club soccer, academic clubs, dance team, habitat for humanity and class senate. Athletic events are definitly become more popular and each semester we have a concert on campus which is always a big hit. Fraternities and sororities at Sacred Heart are not as big of a deal as they are at other schools. They are not national frats and sororities and many people just make fun of them during their pledging process.


I'd say the most popular team on campus would be the mens basketball team. EVerybody knows who they are when they see them. I, myself am involved with the Womens Ice Hockey team. Yes, students leave their dorm room doors open. Guest Speakers and athletic events are all pretty popular but I dont know too much about the theater. I met my closest friend because she was my roommate my freshman year. If I am awake at 2am on a tuesday, i am either watching TV or eating. People party about 3 times a week.