The largest groups on campus are SET (Student Events Team) and Student Government. However, there are plenty of smaller organizations you can get involved with. I am involved with three small groups, Peace by Justice, GSA, and SW Club. Athletic events are pretty popular and free for all students with SHU ID. I met my closest friends through volunteer work that I was involved with, CURTIS week. There are always activities to get involved with. I do not party, but I feel partying is a large part of college for many people. However, there is always movies on the weekends once a month on campus or just hanging out with friends. Greek life is a relatively small group on campus. They are seen and if you are interested in it it is there. However, not many people participate in Greek Life. Off campus, there is bowling or mini golf when the weather is nice, as well as ice skating or movies when it cold.
social life is pretty good at sacred heart. everyone is looking to meet new people and there are endless ways to do that. most of my closet friends live on my floor and we all get alone. i joined a few groups to meet people and my favorite was italian club. i am just sad that this year is over.
I personally took on a lot of classes and clubs and work (a job) for my schedule, so I spend most of my time in the main academic building in class, in a club meeting, doing some event, or just doing work. I don't have a roommate, so I don't spend much time in my dorm, I like being around my friends between classes, just talking and working. I personally have seven classes and am a member of four clubs, and attend random meeting for some other clubs as well.
Some students leave thier doors open, for friend to just stop by. When I am in my dorm building I am either just coming in at about 10 or 11, or I am in the kitchen cooking.
Some athletic events are more popular than others, like football and basketball. Some of the theater events are also popular, like the choir concert or SHU Dance show at the end of every semester.
I met my best friend here at SHU at move in weekend through a friend I had met at oriantation. Some of my other really close friends I met in class or in choir.
There is usually some party or bar event on weekends that at lot of students go to. I personally don't go to clubs or bars, so I don't know how they are.
On the rare occasions I do go off campus, it is usually with a friend on weekends, either to the mall, or to a friends house not far from campus for a dinner party or movie. However, since there is always something going on here, I usually stick around campus to enjoy the events.
At Sacred Heart there's not really a ton of things you can do without having a car. That being said, our sports teams get a lot of support as well as our dance team and drama club. Students go to on campus activities 1. because they're free and 2. because they're actually fun. Thursday nights are the "night out" where we go to bridgeport or new haven to a club. It's a really good time and kids have tons of fun.