Sacred Heart University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sacred Heart University know before they start?


If i could go back in time i would tell my high school self to follow subjects that they are doing well and are enjoying. To follow strengths rather than to find oneself in college. I think many students do not know what they want to do with their lives after highschool and go to college to figure it out. I would tell myself to go to a small school since i perform better with less students. I would also advice my old self not to follow my heart. Following my heart lead me nowhere. If you want a change, sometimes the school that has less students we know is best because our focus is in school and not on people we know.


Hello Emily...theres a lot more you need to know about the future and college life than what you see on T.V and hear from your friends. College is hard. It can be easy if you try enough. You may be used to doing large amounts of homework during high school, but get ready because there's even more out there for you in college. Besides having tuns of work to do, you get to live on your own, and that is probably one of the best parts! Everyone says you won't have your mom and dad nagging to you everyday, and its nice...but you need to make sure you start nagging yourself and focus on your goals. DO NOT START SLACKING. The minute you procrastinate, or push something to a later date, you will fall behind. College is fun though once you get past the work, but don't go out there and have too much fun. There are so many kids who throw their lives away because of one stupid mistake, or one bad move. But if you are willing to stay focused and keep your mind right, you will be able to achieve anything.


Take advantage of what comes your way. The offer a lot of free things, and with the way work study is set up, free will be your best friend. Also, make sure you go out and have fun! Yes, you are there to excel, and excel you will, but you need to go let lose. Joing multiple clubs is the right way to go. That's where you can show off your talents/ get invested in something other than Netflix. Mkae sure you call mom, dad, and nana. You're basically 3 hours away from home and they miss you more than you know. All in all, use what you have and make sure to take risks because the actions you take, no matter how silly they may seem, makr for the best memories.


Do your homework and pay attention in class. In college, there is no one here to make you do things, you need to do them for yourself. Start taking care of yourself your seinor year by doing things without being asked. Volunteer more and get more comfortable with your classmates. Be more outgoing and join new clubs because college's love to see you being active and joining new things.


If I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to put more trust in others, be more passionate towards the things I love, and love with everything I have. I had great time management skills since I managed 3 sports and school at the same time, and I loved going to school, but shortly after graduating, I realized that I did not take my education seriously enough, and once I didn't play sports, I didn't know what to do with my time. I also took advantage of the relationships that I had in high school, and thought that they would last forever with a little bit of effort during college. I was wrong, and I am still mending those relationships to this day. I've realized that not every one is out to hurt me, that even though some people have disappointed me, that I cannot assume everyone else in my life is the same. As I go through graduate school, I am meeting new people, making new friendships, not taking positive things in my life for granted, and making every negative experience in my life a positive one.


I would tell myself that there is a college meant for everyone. I would also tell myself to join as many clubs and activities as possible during your freshmen year because that is how you meet so many people. In college, it is important to make as many connections with other as yo possibly can. With connections, there is future success!


I would tell myself to explore all of my options and that some things aren't as important as I thinkthey are. Making a decision about where to go to college is a huge responsibility and greatly effects your life course. If I could go back, I would look into more schools and oppurunities, such as applying for more scholarships. I don't regret my choice in attending Sacred Heart University, I am doing very well academically and have learned alot. The attention I get in the classroom has been extremely benefitial to my growth. However, I was not prepared to make such a huge decision at the time I did and I wish I knew all the factors. I would also tell myself to cherish every day, hang out with friends as much as possible, and get involved in everything. As a college Junior, I feel like time is flying by, and If I could go back, I would get involved in as much as possible and not take a minute of it for granted. I personally had an amazing High School experience, but I'm sure with my knowledge now, I could give myself a few important pointers.


Being only a second semester freshman so far, I can already say Sacred Heart University is where I am meant to stay. I have no complaints about any of my professors. They are always available for extra help and willing to answer any questions I may have. The Nursing Department is top-notch, which gives me a great feeling on how happy I will be the rest of my college years here. Becoming involved in Campus Ministry, Sacred Heart's Liturigcal and Concert Choirs, and the Student Events Team has brought me to meet wonderful people that have already taught me so much. Attending a university, such as Sacred Heart University, is not only an exciting and thrilling experience, but a priviledge that I will always value.


College has been a life altering experience, insomuch as I have made lifelong friendships, have the avenue to achieve my goals, involvement in varsity sports and attending a top Catholic university with personalized, individualized, engaged learning. In addition, I have become involved in meaningful community service whereas the members of our community extend out services and time to the needy population in surrounding communities. The fulfillment achieved from the aforementioned is a spiritual awakening that has changed my outlook on life. Furthermore, the education at SHU is an outstanding experience, with dedicated professors willing to share only their acumen, and their time and attention with each student to ensure academic success. The privilege and opportunity to play a Division 1 sport, with stellar coaches, teammates and the support of the school spirit is an experience that will be indelible throughout my lifetime. The coaches not only support individual growth in the skills of the sport, but promote the community service, team commitment and encourage academic excellence. I continue to grow and develop autonomy, confidence, independence and seeing the world from the perspective of others through community service. I am most grateful for the academic, athletic and spiritual experience at SHU!


So far I have gotten new study skills and how to balance a lot. My time management skills are beyond me.