Sacred Heart University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sacred Heart University know before they start?


Don't close yourself to the world, but open up and get involved right away. It is okay to attend the band social events even if you don't know how to dance at all, or cannot communicate as easily as other people. Learn both how to love and respect others, but if anyone rejects your gifts, don't let it get you down but stay true to yourself. There is more joy in giving than in getting. Be honest with yourself and then you can be honest with others, and most of the time they will appreciate that courage (those who don't may not make very good friends). You may not have learned any spoken language naturally, but you might instead be able to say that your natural language is music. Do your best to get closer to that answer.


In high school I was unmotivated. To be honest I never really had a passion for what I was learning. I was more concentrated on getting through the week to reach my beloved weekends. I have always been involved in clubs like the honor society, mural club but I never gave it all I could. Transitioning into college I realized my passion. As much as nursing is not the most glorious job, it is what I enjoy doing. I have met friends that I would do anything for. School has taught me to be open to different types of people and new experiences. I have so far been very successful and I believe that is because of my friends and the professors. I wish that in high school I was as motivated as I am today. If I had a chance to go back to high school I would tell myself to be more trusting and confidant.


If going back in time to talk to myself as a senior was possible, I would have very precise things to let myself know before starting college. First would be to NOT take chemistry on my first semester without better getting a feel for college work and time management. Chemistry was a very time consuming and academically challenging class that I was not ready to jump into my freshmen year of college. The next thing I would state would be to make sure I saved more money than I did for books and to order the books weeks before the classes started to ensure their on time arrival. I made the mistake of buying unnecessary purchase for my videogame collection instead of saving enough money to pay for books ahead of time. This resulted in an insane scramble for money and time when class started. This is a mistake, I?ll surely avoid this semester. Lastly, I would let myself know it will all work out in the end and not to get too stressed out because Sacred Heart?s faculty will be there to help immensely when things seem too overwhelming.


If I could go back in time and speak to myself my senior year in high school I would simply give myself a choice. I would tell myself that I could continue to choose the path that I know I took or I could do better in school, really focus on going to a 4 year instead of a Community College and give myself an option to do better. It was harder for me to get out here than it needed to be but I know it was all worth it. I learned a lot by going through what I did and it also helped me to be more focused on academics while I'm here, away from home instead of trying to have a social life and partying hard because that's what I did my senior year and it definitely wasn't beneficial in the long run but it did teach me a lesson and I feel more responsible being here and finally accomplishing coming to a 4 year college.


As a current sophmore in college, I look back at my senior in high school self with a mixture of pride and a little bit of disappointment. I am proud that I worked as hard as I did and took two AP classes to help boost my grade point average and challenge. I would tell myself that I should not have been so concerned with my grades going down and calmed down during the application process. I did not give myself enough credit. I would tell myself to not let my fears get the best of me and would have applied to schools outside Connecticut and would tell myself that getting rejected from some colleges is ok; at least I would of tried. I would also have told myself not to stress so much about making friends because I found some of my best friends despite fights and what not. As a final note, I would have cherished my alone time in my house and my pets, but I learned that school and home both build up the foundation to a sucessful person.


I just cannot believe my high school graduation is tomorrow. I still remember how scared I was the first time I came in through the main doors of the school, it seemed that every body knew I was new to the school. Now as an adult, I feel sure and secure of what I want. I understand the responsibility of showing up for class, doing my homework, managing my time wizely seems important. Now that I have the will of attending college I must apply for scholarships. Having a baby and becoming a full time student does not seem easy, but she is my strenght, my curage. I want to give her the best, an education, so this is the time, it is the best moment of my life, I have the support, the choice of attending college, this dream is for you, my LIZA. In a couple of days I will be leaving you while I go to school. While you sleep, I will be doing my homework. As you grow up I will also grow in education,the jurney will not be easy but it is not impossible. I know I could do it, it is my dream.


I would advise myself to watch my spending more closely. Do i really need to go out to dinner or to the movies so much? Also i would have advised myself to spend more time applying to scholarships, so that my debt at the end of my four years would not be as high. Mostly i would tell myself to enjoy my time in high school and not try to grow up so fast.


Life as you know it now is about to change pretty drastically. I know how comfortable you have become with the consistency of your group of friends, your boyfriend, and even walking the very same halls every day. I also recognize the anxiety you are experiencing over change, especially one as significant as moving away from home and starting all over at square one. There are some things you should know that will help you with this. First, you need to stop worrying so much about what's going to happen to your relationship with your boyfriend. He is not worth the unhappiness you will experience and the classes you will miss when he breaks up with you. Do not waste your freshman year reacting to his behavior. Next, do not worry about the awkward lonely feeling you will have at first. You will make some great friends over the next couple of years. Work hard in school, but don't forget to enjoy yourself, in moderation. The more positive you are, the more people you will meet who are just like you. And remember to bring plenty of microwaveable meals...using the stove tends to result in fire alarms!


If I were to go back in time, and go back to high school, I think the main change I would make is to go to a prep school like my parents recommended. My high school was very small, there were no A.P classes provided when I went there, and I believe that is what has hindered my college experience the most. My first semester of college was difficult because many of my fellow students already knew most of the material because of what they learned in high school, whereas I wasn?t blessed with that knowledge. Everything was so new to me, and I felt that I started my college experience way behind. It?s a very discouraging feeling, that I wish I could change. I also believe that attending a prep school would have helped with my athletics, and might have increased my chances of being recruited to either play hockey, softball or soccer like I had hoped, which could have possibly helped with my financial situation. Overall, I think going to a prep school would have been the best choice in changes, but for now I just need to work harder than most, and do well.


I would of learned how to write better. I struggle with writing and college is basically all writing. I would also of enjoyed high school a lot more and meaning of family. Once you get to college you are on your own in the semi real world. High school was a lot more structured. Family as well because I dont see my mom and dad to often. So in high school I wish I had done a little more with them.