Saint Francis University Top Questions

Describe how Saint Francis University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Saint Francis University is a close-knit, family oriented, private university.


Saint Francis University is my second home, where my future starts, where life-long friends are made, where support is given when needed, where fun and learning can be used in the same sentence, where my voice is heard, where I can take the lead but also follow, where I can grow, where many memories are made, where many life lessons are learned, and most of all, Saint Francis University is where I am discovering who I am and who I want to be.


My school is very small but the people are extremely friendly. The professors want the best for their students and expect a lot such as good grades, hard work and attend all classes. They will provide any help needed in allowing you to succeed. Overall, this school offers you a great future to success.


A frozen place on top of a mountain.


The school at which i attend is small yet big enough to be considered a university. It is close enough to home but yet far enough away for me to focus on my life and my career ahead, is very much loacted in a snow globe on top of a mountain, winter here can be unbareable yet extremely beautiful, like our quote..."its just different up here."


Saint Francis is a small, hands-on learning envioronment that is concerned with the student needs and wants; it's a great place to be.


small, but rewarding


SFU is a small tight knit community where everyone knows most of the people on campus, or has at least heard of them.


Academically challengeing


Saint Francis is a small, quiet campus where some people are helpful and others are more stuck-up.