Saint Francis University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That, really, there is not much to do here on campus unless you get involved. And don't get over-involved; you WILL stretch yourself thin. Make friends with someone that has a car (and can drive safely) and try to have an affection for snow.


I wish I had known how much drinking goes on. I am not a drinker, and as a result I tend to spend a lot of time in my room on the weekends. Had I known there was so much partying, I may have seriously considered another school.


that the football program sucks and so so the coaches and how the facilities are not the best and how expensive the school is and that athletics gets no money


There isn't anything that I wish I had known before I came to St. Frnacis. I feel I knew everything I want and/or needed to know before coming.