Dear Mina,
Wow, congrats for graduating high school and going on the next phase of your life. This is my friend, only the beginning.
You will be tempted to go out with friends and maybe even skip a few class here and there, but please, go to every class and utiltize every help that you get and let your planner be your best friend.
Go to every class, go see every teacher for help, and love yourself!
You will never get your youth back, enjoy it and savor every moment.
I love you!
Lots of hugs and love,
If I could go back in time and tell myself what I know now, there would be a few important things that I wish I had learned earlier. What I would tell myself is stay focused, study hard but still have fun. I have found it very hard to focus and study because all I have wanted to do was have fun; I now know that school is most important no matter what. I have been attending community college for three semesters since I have graduated from high school. It took me failing a class my first semester to realize I needed to get my priorities set straight and focus and study hard for school. I have spent most of the spring semester and all of this semester trying to raise my gpa. With all of the hard work I always have to remind myself to have a little bit of fun to relieve most of the stress. I know time travel has not been mastered yet but when it is, this is exactly what I would tell myself at eighteen, about to graduate and start the rest of my life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have some very important advice to give myself. Now that I have gone through the transition from high school to college, I know what to tell myself to expect. I would tell myself not to worry about moving away from home, just because Im going into college. The college that you are going to attend is close enough to stay at home, allowing you to save lots of money for tuition and books. I would also tell myself that attending a community college is not a slack. You plan on transferring to a four year university, so make the best effort of the time that you are there to earn good grades. Once you transfer, the grades that you earn now are what is going to count!
Perhaps the most important advise that I could offer myself is to plan out all of my classes ahead of time. Instead of planning by semester, you can establish long term goals by planning for the whole year and not have to take a rush of classes that dont work together during your last semester.
If i could go back in time as a high school senior, I would convince myself to plan each years classes in advance, so I wouldn't have to pick random clasess at the last minuit to satisfy my degree. If I did this, I could have taken classes that were more focused towards my future plans or that would transfer as credit towards the degree that I am going into at a four year college. Another thing that I would do differently is to contact the four year college to be transfered to sooner, so that I would know what classes will help me once I do transfer, or even enroll in some classes at that school, while attending the community college.