The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Saint Louis Community College-Meramec is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
When I meet myself, I would know I was going through an emotionally difficult time. I was not involved in extracurricular activities in high school, and I was going through an emotional time. I was worried about the college experience; if I would be too stressed out, or too pessimistic to appreciate the experience. In order to change this attitude, I would tell myself, "You only have each experience once. Take advantage of them. Enjoy them, and life will be good." I wouldn't want to reveal anything specific, because ruining the mysteriousness of the future would likely leave me unable to take the chances that allowed me to grow into the person I am today. Instead, I would try to stop looking at my life so negatively, and instead make the best of every experience. With it being my last year in high school, I would recognize the concept, knowing I can't turn back and can only move forward. I would apply this advice to change my perspective because college students only have the genuine college experience once--and I would do my best enjoy it and take advantage of every opportunity that arises.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
To work hard everyday as if it was my last. Have fun and go out with your friends but most definitely time management is the number one factor. Enjoy college but that saying, play hard, work hard is a great motto to go by!
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Compared to a four year university, It is more difficult to get to know people and make friends at a community college, because everyone lives very close, so they all stay involved with their high school friends, and they don't have a mindset that's about branching out of their comfort zones.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
The kind of person that should attend this school is someone that is not sure what career they want to go into right out of highschool. At STLCC, you can take a variety of general education and election classes at a much cheeper price than 4 year universities. This way the student can figure out exactly what program they want to enter at a university level without breaking the bank.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school is the parking lot. With the economy the way it is more people are going to community colleges. The consequence about that is the parking lot at school is always packed. Wheather it is snowing, raining, or sunny it is always hard to find a parking spot near the building that class is in.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone who knows exactly what career they want to go into. If they know exactly what they want to do with their future, attending a university would have far greater benefits than the level of classes available at a community college.
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What's unique about your campus?
I think the best thing about St. Louis Community College is the teachers are great and if need help on something they are there. Also I have a disablity and they help me with my studies at the level I understand. Also I tell people just because you have a disabilty you can go to school don't let anybody tell you different give it chance to see if you can do it.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
My school provides the biggest bragging rights for available resources. There are multiple computer labs available to complete assignments or to do research. When doing research, there is no better place to be. Meramec provides its students with access to online databases not available to all college students. A superb inter-library loan program gives students the ability to obtain books, print media and video from librarys within other schools.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are young, caucasian females who talk all day about boyfriends, vacations and how much money their parents have.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best known for being an affordable stepping stone on the way to a four year university.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Meramec is an excellent school, and is underestimated because it is a community college. Many students who come to Meramec are afraid to bring up their connection with the school, but after one semester they realize how amazing Meramec really is. It has one of the nation's top newspapers and newspaper staff, one of the most popular nursing programs, and the most helpful and intelligent faculty and staff that are vigilant in working with their students to expand their minds and change their lives.
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