Saint Louis University Top Questions

Describe how Saint Louis University looks to someone who's never seen it.


I love St. Louis University. I love the fact that the schools promotes educating the whole person; mind, body and soul. This type of education was new to me because I got bored at schools that merely concentrated on academics only.


My school is beautiful, and well organized.


Saint Louis University requires independent learning.


SLU is a beautiful, academic school that encourages learning, service, activity, and growth of the individual.


A jesuit University where academics and helping out the community are most important.


Laid-back and middle-class student body with a beautiful, but urban campus.


A school focused on image rather than wholesome charater.


Saint Louis is a pretty good school in certain areas, but the administration completely fails to look to the student body for its input and recommendations. They consistently squash anything that is fun, and are always finding more ways to squeeze money out of the students.


The school is middle to upper end academically but with great room to improve the academic spectrum; there is too much focus on sports and expansion and not enough on the here and now - many of the dorms are poorly maintained and there are not enough.


A time-lapse video of construction on SLU's newest research center.