This campus is full of students who have come from extremely privileged backgrounds. Most have never seen people who don't come from backgrounds like themselves. There's not a lot of true tolerance for people who aren't the majority (rich, white, male/female), but the administration does it best to promote diversity and inclusion. Racially, sexually, religiously, most students feel uncomfortable. Minorities often have to stay together on this campus, but then we look like we're being racist (which isn't even possible, idealistically). Students often are consumed by name brands and come from decent financial backgrounds. Most students are politically aware. We have a mix of liberals and conservatives. SLU students are often future-outlook oriented to say the least.
I find the almost every kind of student group, ethnicity, or background is represented at SLU. I know that SLU promotes diversity on a daily basis. There is a large LGBT alliance program on campus. There are clubs for nearly all religious groups. And if you don't feel like you fit into a certain "diversity", many people join these groups in support.
Students tend to dress on the preppier side at SLU but sweatpants can be seen everywhere - It's college afterall ;)
Politics is not a huge topic on campus but both Student Democrats and Student Republican groups do exist. Most SLU students are very active in promoting a cause or spreading awareness for various types of issues. SLU is very open to this kind of thing.
St. Louis University has students from everywhere in the world. One nice thing about the first day of school is getting to find out where everyone is from. Students also come from different financial, religious, and racial backgrounds. Some are athletic, some are artistic, some are talkative, some are reserved. Coming from a small high school, I love this about SLU. Students are going to have to work with a wide range of people after graduation, this helps us prepare for differences that may occur.
SLU students are very active with what concerns them the most. Every week there is always a different student group hosting activities to raise awareness for various causes. Just this past weekend, various student groups banded together to host a Dance Marathon aimed at raising money for children with cancer. I am a member of the College Republicans, College Democrats, Political Science Club, and Model United Nations. All of these groups are very active in bringing speakers to campus, hosting voter registration drives, and canvassing local neighborhoods. On the opposite side of the spectrum, there is a Wilderness Adventure Club which goes out almost every week to do all kinds of activities ranging from kayaking to rock climbing. There are also numerous interfaith groups that aim to educate SLU students and people of St. Louis of the amount of diversity located in the city.
Because we are a Jesuit school, I really do feel like we encompass the "men and women for others" in our peer to peer relationships with the other students on campus. I have seen people from what I thought were completely different social groups getting lunch together, or grabbing a late night snack in Fusz dining hall. I feel like there's truly a place for everyone, whether you're more into Greeklife, honors societies, service clubs, sports, acapella groups, politics, or maybe even camping with our Wilderness adventure club.
My classmates are all caring, open-minded, intelligent students. Here at Saint Louis University, students genuinely care about the betterment of not only themselves, but their classmates as well.
The students here are amazing because they really treat SLU as their home and make sure they are comfortable with being here. The girls here aren't fake, and (most) of the guys are those fake cool-acting jocks. We have an Oath of Inclusion which makes sure all students feel comfortable with being here regardless of ideologies, races, sex, or orientation.
Most are studious and prepared to learn.
My peers are thoughtful, ambitious, well rounded, service oriented, leaders of their high schools, kids who worked hard and are always willing to try new things, to stand up for their beliefs, and to live not only in our college community, but also reach out to the city community around us.