Saint Louis University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Saint Louis University? Why?


Social life, ignorant people. Most are nice but just a few can do a lot of damage


Sometime I can not understand my professor's english.


Threat of security


The rates for tuition and all general costs keep going up every year in an outstanding way.


Not a lot to do on the weekends


Our school wastes too much of our tuition on replacing the plants around campus. This money could instead go to helping our classrooms and getting better equipment.


Not very responsive to commuter or non-traditional student needs


The school is very conservative and there were plenty of unhappy John McCain supporters who did not have a problem with African Americans before the election but expressed their feelings after the election. The security did not help


The worst thing about SLU is they keep raising tuition. This wouldn't be a bad thing however the extra money dosen't seem to be going toward a better education. The programs at SLU have been on a steady decline over the two years I've been there.


People do not care about the schools sports at all, the on campus food and dining completely dies on the weekends. At second semester they do not have enough space for every returning freshmen to have an on campus housing which happens every year.