Saint Louis University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Saint Louis University?


They are rich, conservative, Catholic, private school kids


I think a lot of people suspect that we're all from St. Louis, or all from Missouri, or all from the Midwest. A lot of people probably also think that we're all Catholic or even that we're all very conservative, narrow-minded Catholics. There's also a stereotype that we're spoiled rich kids.


SLU students are all religious. SLU students are rich and snobbish.


SLU students are stereotyped differently by different people. Compared to Wash U, which is across town, SLU students are not as wealthy and tend to have to work harder to afford their education. Compared to some of the smaller colleges in town and state schools like UMSL, SLU students are more well-off and often can afford a few more luxuries. Within the SLU sphere, typical college stereotypes abound. I don't think it's much different than your average University.


One stereotype about SLU students is that they never leave campus to explore the city.


Rich, stuck up, smart, competitive, Nerds.


Some stereotypes say that SLU students are white, rich, preppy students.


Young adults who are intelligent and hardworking.


Since we're a private school, people tend to say we're stuck up and snobby


That they are snobby.