Don't hold back. Find a way to become involved in something that you truly enjoy. It will make your college experience that much more fulfilling. Getting involved is a great way to make lifelong friends and to meet those who have to same values as you. Always be sure to put school work at a high priority. Get your work done, go out with your friends, get involved, and have an awesome experience in college!
The more effort you put into finding the perfect school, the more you will benefit from knowing what your campus offers. Pick a school that is unique for you, and do not follow any one else to college when you know it is not a good fit. Also, be realistic with your major and career choices and make sure you schedule your classes right so that you will graduate on time. If there is a school that you absolutely love but is may be financially out of touch, make an effort to find scholarships at that school and apply for financial aid; if you are that passionate to go to that school, then going there will make it worth the whole four or five years you attend. Also, keep in touch with family and friends because a good support system at home will get you through hard tests and stressed out times. Use all minutes of the day because each minute spent wisely is beneficial to the career you choose when you finally graduate. Also, do not study all the time and make time to hang out with your new friends! College is the best learning experience in your life.
The most important factor in deciding a prospective college is how comfortable you feel. It is completely useless to attend an Ivy League school simply because of the name. I was accepted to a top 10 nationally ranked university and chose to go to the 75th ranked university and I don't regret my decision at all. If you feel you aren't being challenged then stick to the books, make the grades, and transfer to what you feel is a better school for you to finish earning your degree. I feel comfortable with my choice, the friends I've made, and the career path I've chosen, but that isn't always the case. In college, you can't be afraid to take risks and you need to determine what is best for you. Not your parents, and not your friends. It is, after all, four or more years of your life dedicated to the rest of your future. Why wait four years to decide you don't want to be a doctor, when you could start your career in journalism right now?
Bring an open and inquisitive mind when exploring college choices, because things aren't always what they seem. Colleges are businesses, and they will do everything they can to make their "product" appealing and interesting. Look beyond the flashy pamphlets and brochures available from the admissions department; interview current (and honest) students and counselors or find valid information from an outside source. Knowing more than just the exaggerated facts will allow you to make an informed decision and ultimately enjoy the college of your choice.
Get involved, but stay focused. Try and be flexible and realize that nothing is set in stone. Follow your dreams and be real to yourself, especially Pre-meds, be sure that you are doing it out of your own decision and not the influence of others. And most of all, College is a competition between you and yourself, not you and your classmates.
Visit the campus and stay the night in the dorm if possible. Make sure you get to know what the atmosphere is like and that it fits with who you are. Talk to as many students as you can, especially ones that share your major. Get permission to sit in on a class [both a big lecture and a smaller class] to get the feel for how the students and professors interact at that particular school. Just follow your heart. You will know if the school is right for you. When I made my decision, it wasn't because I had dreamt about going there, it just felt right. I doubted myself a few times but once I got there, it was the perfect fit.
To get the most out of the college experience, a student must find a place that meets both academic and social requirements. The level of schooling that a person can receive is very important, since that is the reason one goes to college; however, the amount one can learn cannot be limited by the school they attend. If someone is determined to reach their professional goals in life then they must also be exemplify a drive for excellence found in all good students. This drive for excellence is important because if is matched by an equally impressive institution there is no limit for what a student can do. The social aspect of college is also very important because it enables one to relieve the pressures of study, and secondly it establishes relationships that will benefit after college both for enjoyment and quite possibly professionally. If a student finds an insitution that meets the desired aspects, then he/she must work in order to gain admission into that school. Once there, the student can obtain both the academic and social mentalities needed to make the most of one's college experience.
I would definitely recommend visiting more than once to get a greater feel for the school. I would also recommend researching the school to make sure it has everything they are looking for. Once at your school, I would suggest the student introduces themself to people right off the back. It is important to get to know people right away and get as involved as possible.
It is not always getting in to the school that you want, it is more important that you have a positive outlook for whichever school you choose. Don't get your hopes up about just one school. There are many reasons for a rejection, and sometimes the rejection is somethings way of telling you that school isn't right for you.