Saint Michael’s College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Michael’s College know before they start?


Hey, girl. Stop writing angstfilled poems about your mother for a moment and listen up. I want to tell you what to bring to college this fall. I’ve been there. You will need to bring that smile, the one you flash your best friend to say hello, because your positive outlook is going to make the first week much easier. Bring a photo of your friends from home; you’ll want to remember where you've been, even though your past pales in comparison to your future. Pack tissues, because saying goodbye is hard, and saying that first hello is going to take even more strength. Don’t worry. You have it in you. Take with you an open mind and a burning curiosity- that is how you will learn. Carry all of your excitement and only a little bit of your fear. You will make friends, I promise. Bring a good bar of soap, because things will get messy, but every mess can be cleaned with some effort. Lastly, master a good joke. Your sense of humor will keep you laughing. Remember: college is the reward for surviving high school. You’re in for a lot of fun.


If given the chance to go back in time, I would look my chubby, high school-self in the eye and simply tell that frightened, self-conscious little girl that she didn’t have to be afraid, because her future was what she made of it, and it is bright. There is no advice I would give my high school-self because I know that I would have fallen the very same path I have already taken; the path I have chosen is the right one for me.


Smile. Things will get better. Stop worrying about how much college will cost and if you go into debt that is fine, just work hard d to pay it back. Don’t wait too long to apply and even if you don’t know what you want to go for start with your general courses. It is important to stay healthy and fit so don’t give up tennis. You will be so much happier when you are in college, do not worry. Knowledge is Power and you know that, your talent for mathematics will help you go far and get any job you want. Be happy and have fun with life!


Every freshman is in the same boat as you are, meeting new friends not knowing very many people. Use the beginning months to be as friendly as possible aquainting yourself with a big smile on your face.


College has allowed me to become independent and more mature, and has also brought me some life-long, incredible friends, but it has been so much more than that. College has shown me a different side of myself and of the world. A fantastic class sparked an interest in business that I never knew existed. An extracurricular club opened up an artistic side I never would have explored. A study abroad opportunity literally showed me the world. An internship brought me back to reality. Saint Michael's College has given me more than just some great memories. Saint Mike's has helped me prepare for the next phase of my life and has given me a glimpse of that future I dream of. Oh yeah, I also can make it down the advanced ski trails now in one piece! Thanks, Saint Mike's for everything.


Although I've only been attending college for about 3 months, I've highly enjoyed the experience and cherish every day here. I was nervous to start my first year at a new place. Living with new people in a new environment can be intimidating. However, after the first few weeks I found that I adapted quite well. I made friends, got emersed in my classes, involved myself in the school's community service program and am succeeding at the so called 'college experience'. I think so far the college experience has taught me to live on my own better, and to be responsible for myself, as well as to be aware of others around me. I also think it has presented me with many opportunities to help others around me, especially because my college is heavily influenced by community service. This week is hunger and homelessness awareness week and as of now I am 18.5 hours into my 24 hour fast, and currently sitting in a lean-to on the campus lawn to promote awarness about the severity of homelessness domestically as well as globally; college is teaching me to open my eyes to the world around me.


I have gained a lot of knowledge in my studies, classes and books and mostly I've about myself through experiences, I gained a life long freinds from social networking, college activities and buidling a future through oppertunities being presented to me.


Coming to college, I never expected to be dragged into the world of academia. However, the amazing professors I had and the wonderful time I spent abroad convinced me that I should spend my life pursuing the intellectual. I fell in love with Medieval History while attending St. Michael's, and I was greatly encouraged by all my professors. I delved into the study of it as much as I could, learning Latin and Italian so I could study primary source documents. I am even writing a senior thesis that uses Medieval Latin chronicles as the main source of research material. I applied for Graduate programs and was accepted by the University of Chicago, where my history idol, David Nirenberg, works. I want desperately to attend there and eventually matriculate into their doctoral program, but I only received one-third of the tuition as financial aid, leaving me to come up with $30,000. I am already in huge amounts of debt from my undergraduate career ($40,000) and my parents have been wiped clean by their mortgage, paying for college for my brother and I, and every day bills. This money would help me acheive my goal in life.


Dear 17 year old Lauren, When the tour guide mentioned it gets cold enough here that people wear ski goggles while walking to class, you should have ran for the hills!! Everyone thought you were crazy to consider a small liberal arts Catholic college in snow ridden Vermont. Instead you followed your instincts and made the best decision ever. Now you are the one shredding down the slopes at Smugglers Notch using the $30 ski pass available to SMC students. Can you believe that at Saint Michael?s College you have gone white-water rafting, tried sushi, designed your own t-shirt, learned how to develop film, and saw Jay-Z in Montreal! You have attended Broadway shows at the Flynn Center and made some amazing friends. Haha I know that it seems unbelievable, but it is true. You have discarded your inhibitions and tried new and sometimes scary things! Way to go! I am so proud of you for letting down the walls and being brave enough to be yourself, freckles and all. Sincerely, 19 year old Lauren (same you just better hair style)


I would say make your college decision based on what YOU feel. It is very easy to be swayed by the thoughts of your parents or by high school teachers or guidance counselors, but ultimately, you are the one who must live at the school, learn at the school, make the school your new home. It is very important to visit the school, talk to the students that go there, sit in on a class, anything that helps you to see yourself at the school and feel that it is a match. College is really the experience you make it. If you go into it thinking, "This is going to be horrible, I won't make any friends and i'm going to fail!" then you're not going to have the best experience. Be positive! Keep an upbeat attitude!! Join new clubs, meet new people, DON'T BE AFRAID TO EXPERIENCE NEW THINGS!