If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop taking life so seriously. Although college life is stressful and it is important to work hard in order to maintain a decent GPA, it is also crucial to know when to take a deep breath and relax. Throughout high school, I was always a hardworking, determined student who took academics very seriously. Since transitioning to college life, I have learned the hard way that life can become overwhelming and difficult to manage if one lets himself/herself become too focused on always being perfect. To lead a successful life, one needs to learn how to maintain a balance between working hard and having fun.
I would tell myself to try out a few more organizations and different types of classes, because I might find something I love doing or studying in the most unexpected place. I would also tell myself to be more friendly and less reserved, because there was nothing to be afraid of at Saint Michael's; it is the most nonjudgemental community I have ever encountered. I would also tell myself to visit my professors more for help during the exhausting classes of Statistics and Computer Science, instead of struggling through them. Other than that, I believe that my experience at Saint Michael's has worked our pefectly and the way it is supposed to. I'm experiencing new things, expanding my knowledge, learning a lot of new material, and have found a potential in myself I didn't know was there before.
No matter how many times a person tells you about an experience such as the college, one will never truly understand until he/she has actually experienced the emotions, feelings, and sensory experiences that accompany that event. Therefore no matter what I had told myself, I never would have been 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} prepared for the jump from college to high school. However, when I was a senior in high school, I heard a college freshman saying, "I can't say whether I like college or high school better because they are completely different experiences." This is exactly what I found upon entering college. It is enjoyable in ways that high school could never be only because it is very different. If I had to pick one thing to tell myself i guess I would just say, "keep an open mind and take it all in because it goes by quicker than you expect." Other than that, you just have to jump off the cliff and hope that there will be a trampoline at the bottom to catch you. Don't leave home with any reservations and just have fun.
I would say that when you get to college. Remember that you do know who you are. Do not change for other people. Do not let others push you around. You are BEAUTIFUL!
Try out for everything. You never know where it may take you.
Watch who you trust with your heart. Its fragile.
Be good to others and they will be good to you. and if they arnt. Leave them in the DUST! They arnt worth your time.
I think that within certain bounds, you can make any college "the right" college for you. It is all about expectations and adaptations. Put aside your expectations and allow your inner gut to guide you (this goes for students and parents!). Maybe your school is not the best in the field you plan to study or maybe most people have not heard of it-- don't worry! If it feels right, it probably is. Once you arrive at this school, sign up for a class you don't need or join a club you don't know anything about. You will meet different people who will challenge the way you view yourself and the world. This will make your college experience.
Finding the right college seems like the most daunting task of the last 2 years of high school to both students and parents. However, once you take a deep breath and really think about what you want out of your college experience, you will see that there are MORE than enough options out there for you. So to be short and sweet: Take a deep breath, think about your goals for college, then do some reasearch. The perfect college for you IS out there. I can PROMISE you that!
When deciding which school to attend it is helpful to research as you can about each school- you've already taken the first step by looking at this website. Do an overnight stay at schools you're interested in to get a feel for the atmosphere and ask everyone plenty of questions! The best way to find out about the school is from those who have personal experience attending it. You should have a general idea of what your preferences are in size, location, etc., but at the same time make sure those preferences don't dictate your choice. Your ideal college may turn out to be completely different from what you planned. Overall just go with your gut instinct about what is the best match for you, while staying within your financial limits. Look into scholarship applications and each school's financial aid guidelines to help you pay for the school. Once you get in; work hard, manage your time, keep an open mind, and an optimistic outlook on life. Everyone is nervous starting at a new school but if you are focused and genuine you will attract the right crowd and pave the way towards a bright future.
I thought I wanted to go to one school, and after getting deffered and then wait listed, I looked for other options and found my current school. I think the best advice is to go somewhere that wants you as much as you want to be there. If as school wants you as their student, it means you will fit in there and it's a perfect place for you. My school was so persistent in attracting my attention, and I'm a perfect fit there and absolutely love it. When you finally get to that perfect place, don't hesitate to do anything! Make friends, join sports and clubs, volunteer, try out for the play, whatever! If it's something you want to do, don't wait. The school wants you there and you should take advantage of what it has for you. And most importantly, be happy and have fun!
Make sure that you visit all of the colleges that interest you. Also, visit the schools when they are in session and ask the opinions of students who are not giving the tours. They tend to be the most honest. Also try to buy books from places like rather than the bookstores because you can often purchase them cheaper that way. Lastly don't forget to have some fun too. Social learning is just as important as the academic!
Many colleges and universities have excellent academic programs, beautiful campuses, and a list of other attractive amenities for students. This can make finding the right school a daunting task. However, my advice to students who are facing this challenge is to remember that, in the end, the college experience is what you make it. Wherever you choose to go to school, it is possible to have a great experience if you take advantage of everything your institution has to offer. Take classes that stretch and challenge you. Get involved on campus and in the surrounding community. And, find a balance between your academic and social life. Ultimately, these are the keys to making the most of your college experience.