Take your time and look at all aspects of the college you are looking at. You will be there for four years so make sure that you know what you want from a college.
Please seriously take into consideration the cost of higher education compared to how much you expect to be making... education is expensive! While you may not be able to put an exact price tag on the "private" school experience against a "public" school experience - the true cost differential really needs to be looked at closely for your own personal financial sake. Other than that, make sure you're in a field that you love, if not, get out.
My advice would be to not be afraid of going farther away from home. I originally chose a college that was very close to my home, and ended up transfering to another that was hours away from home. Even though the distance is sometimes hard, you really start to make your own family and home away from home, as cliche as it sounds. I think that when you are pushed outside of your comfort zone and away from your home, you are allowing yourself more opportunities to grow and experience life truly on your own. Afterall, college is the time in your life to try everything and meet your real friends for life.
You have to find the place you're most comfortable in order to be successful.
Just pick the college that is right for you.
Be sure to find a school that you love with a program that you'll enjoy. It's a good idea to spend the night on a weekend night just to see what the true college life is like. Also, choose a school that you know will keep you busy whether it is with academics, volunteer work, sports or outdoor activities. You don't want to go to a school that forces you to be in your room all the time bored.
Listen to family and friends while always keeping an open mind. You never know what to expect from a college. I thought I found my dream school but ended up transfering to play baseball at another school. In the end I found my perfect match.
Ask current students what they like most and what they like least about their school, their professors, their majors. Get involved, but not so over-involved that you have no time to spend just hanging out with friends or time for yourself.
Pick a college which is a good fit for you, not just because of financial aid, friends or family influences. There's a college out there for everyone, and if you get denied for one- there's allways another which is a better fit!