Salisbury University Top Questions

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It's much more affordable than the others., yet just as good.


Salisbury only has 7,000 students, the classes are small and unique. There is alot of one on one time spent with proffesors and students. Also at Salsibury every student is an individual, students are know by their name rather then just being another number among tens of thousands of others.


Salisbury University is well known for its degree programs in education. The university was originally a teacher college. Also the university strongly suggests that students participate in one of the many study abroad programs that are available.


The atmosphere and the energy from the people and the environment. Most everyone is very friendly and the staff is always willing to help. The school is currently udergoing contruction to become more "green". It is also an arboretum so the outdoor environment is well taken care of. Academics and student environment are a high priority for Salisbury University.


I considered many different schools however Salisbury University caught my attention. Salisbury had the major I am persuing, it had all the sports I am interested in, and the cost was reasonable considering my family's income. I also liked the low student to professor ratio, the location was key, and the amount of background information that I had on it made it easy for me to make my choice. I have made a lot of friends and am truely enjoying my experience at Salisbury University.


I think that my schoo's size and locaton are two factors that I consider unique. It is a small school that I feel is just the right size because it is easy and convenient to walk from any point on campus to the other, and the classroom sizes are also relativey small. Just small enough to receive proper help and attrention from the tacher if needed. The location is unique because it is about 25 minutes away fom a beach so when there's good weather, there's always a great place to visit.


The fact that Salisbury University offers several distance learning programs for students who can't make traditional classroom hours is very unique. The Social Work program has a satillite program where students across the state can attend satillite classes at locations close to them and never have to visit the main campus for classes. These classes are offered two to three nights a week and very convient for working students. The teachers even visit the off campus classes to get to know the distance learning students. It is a great learning experience and very convienent.


I felt welcomed as soon as I arrived at Salisbury University for my first tour of the school. Everyone smiled, offered their assistance, and answered questions- even the people in the town around the University. The friendly atmosphere did not end with the summer tours, and I still enjoy it today.


It has a Respiratory Therapy major. Salisbury is the only school in maryland that has it as a bachelor's program.


IT is small