Salisbury University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Salisbury University? Why?


The availablity of parking.


The worst thing about Salisbury is the violent crimes targeted at the College students.


The teachers don't know how to teach, there is not enough financial aid, and they don't focus ont he minority


The worst thing about my school is the parking. There are not enough parking spots to accomodate the amount of students who have parking passes. The campus security also makes it hard for us because they hand out parking tickets like fliers. The school is currently working on building a parking garage, but even after its completion, we will be down by 180 parking spots that we had before.


Sometimes classes fill up quickly and it is hard to plan an organized class schdule.


the food in the cafeteria could be more diverse


The relationship wit the community isn't the best. Sometimes students feel targeted by community members and the local city police for simply having fun. However, the school is working with community and campus leaders to reconcile our differences.