Great atmosphere. Wonderful teachers and interesting classes. A lot of on campus activities, great learning environment.
The best thing about my school is the diversity. There so many different cultures to learn from and experience. If you were walking around campus and saw a group of people they would be full of different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Having friends that are from different from background shows you different aspects of life and may teach you to appreciate life.
What I enjoyed the most at Salisbury University was the much more personal learning and living environment I got from attending a small University. I originally got accepted to my first choice school Virginia Tech but decided to go the small school route with more available Financial Aid. While there I found that the small town feel of a smaller University really fit my lifestyle well. I made friends that will be with me forever and learned more in that time than I ever could have in the environment of a large school.
The best thing about salisbury is that there are so many resources here, not only are all the professors brilliant, but we also have free tutoring available daily for every subject, we have a writting center which helps you buil your writting skills and many incredible internships.
The best thing about my school would be the design of the school. It is really pretty with a tree library which I think is really amazing because not many places consider trees with respect, students have actually been fined for destruction of those treees. And my philosophy teacher loves discussing trees and their importance in our lives and how we ignore them on a daily basis, which is understandable because it is human nature to take things for granted.
size, campus, professors
So far the faculty and other student are friendly and the school is like a breathe of fresh air for me. I believe I will be able to thrive and accomplish all my academic goals with that type of available environment.
The best thing about this school is the fact that the professors used to be where the students are right know. They give us incite and help keep us motivated to look towards the future. The professors are very helpful and knowledgeable. They help give you ideas for career placements and openly give personal experiences about their past that can help you figure out your future.
The size, because it is not overwhelmingly large.
The people at the school are the best thing about it. Everyone is really friendly, and always willing to help out someone else. There are people here from every background, with every type of personality you can think of. You're bound to make a great group of friends, and everyone knows most everyone else, so it is easy to make new friends.