San Diego State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend San Diego State University?


Well SDSU has been considered or has acquired a bad rep, so i would say we need more people who are not afraid to stand out and make SDSU a better university. We need more individuals who are really here to go ahead in life and succeed. not waist time and a spot, by making a fool of yourself drinking, using drugs on a upper division, higher education university.


A very quiet, shy, reserved person because most people at this school are very outgoing and love to hang out and have a good time.


some one who is looking for a small close community


A person who doesn't like to drink alcohol socially and party or be around people who drink and party. Also someone who doesn't like beach culture or wishes to attend a school with a good football program.


The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is one who cannot handle distractions. This school has people who are constantly trying to party and have a good time. Someone who is unable to balance school and fun should not attend this school.


One who values arts and independence.


A person who does not like a large population of students should not attend this school. The cafeterias are PACKED during lunch time and it's really hard to find seats.


A person who knows how to time manage and balance their life. They shouldn't attend this school if they don't like to socialize, party, or meet people. If someone doesnt know how to focus and prioritize school over their social life then they might not be sucessful at this school.


Someone who only wants to focus on academics and is not interested in anything social.


A book worm who is not looking to meet anyone.