San Diego State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Diego State University know before they start?


The best advice I could give would be to go to a jr. college first and get used to the fact that no one cares if you go to class, you have to want to be there. You also have to want to study! A Jr. college gives you time to adjust to the whole "self motivation" concept. Take lots of tours and make sure you think you will really like the school you pick. It is a very hard transition weather you are in from high school or a transfer student so be preparred to struggle the first semester. Dont be afraid to ask alot of questions and make alot of mistakes. The teachers are here for you so talk to them every chance you get. Get involved! Volunteer! I hated school until I got involved and now I wish I was going to be here longer. This really, really is the best choice I ever made. I recommend college to everyone!


Have as much fun as you can, and go all out with your college experience, but at the same time do not drift away from your academics because it will strongly effect you in the future.


Most students change their major before graduating, so a school?s particular area of academic expertise is rather arbitrary when it comes to the university selection process. What is important, however, is the rigidity of a school?s structure. When comparing schools, scale them according to their level of structure: think of Berkeley on one end as the most liberal, loosely-structured school and VMI on the other end as the most disciplined, rigidly-structured school. You then need to honestly evaluate yourself and the way in which you learn. Now, we would all like to go to Berkeley and party like hippies, but the truth is that that is not the best environment for everyone to learn in. Some of us have better educational and even social experiences in a more structured environment. Once you get to your school of choice, it is essential that you make the most out of it. I suggest a pledge, a pledge to yourself to at least once a week try something new, whether it be sushi or bungee-jumping. So long as it is within the realm of legality and morality, try it once. Experience is the essence of life.


Everyone has their reason for choosing a school. Be it to leave home, the most affordable choice, or just because it is a party school. Whatever the reason be, the quality of your growth or education must be the top priority. As you search for the right school for you ask yourself this: will I get the education that I want here? Set aside and consider the cost later in your search, and remember that even though you are applying to these schools, they had to be the right choice for you first. Getting all the benefits of college life requires more than a good GPA, the best way I can say it is to step outside your comfort zone and participate. Colleges offer hundreds of clubs and organizations to choose from, and if anything you can always join study groups if you?re all about academics. I keep telling myself I need to be more involved with extracurricular activity after all the work. The point here is that you can benefit from college life by having a college, allow yourself to step away from the course work and have a little fun. And again, step outside your box!


Making the most out of your college experience starts with choosing the right college. While the task may seem daunting research is the only way you are going to find out what separates one school from another and you are going to have to do your homework. It matters. Why? Because education is personal and can change you in the most spectacular ways. Getting an A in statistics - pretty cool. Being able to later apply the statistical concepts to the real world - life changing. Interested? Start by putting yourself in an environment that facilitates learning. As a rule - spend more time studying than you think you need to; and when something peaks your curiosity, look outside the classroom - this may be something you want to specialize in. When you graduate what will matter most is what have you learned and who you have become. Those are your marketable assets. So be curious. Never hold yourself back from contributing what you could, and finally, don?t ever give up. If you follow my advice, you will find education will change you in the most spectacular way, and you will make the most of your college experience.


I would visit the campus to make sure the type of people there match the student's personality. SDSU was the perfect choice for me because it was driving distance to home, yet I was far enough away to enjoy a feeling of independence. I also recommend joining an athletic group or Greek organization because you will make many friends quickly and this will enhance the college experience.


Make the choice for you the student and no one else. It is your future try not to go to a college just because its safe i.e. its close to home, friends will be there, etc. Do whats best for your future! Research your options throughly to make sure they have what you need. Also, make sure to apply for scholarships as many students pass up the opportunity for free cash for school when college is getting more and more expensive. Make sure to visit the schools as well if possible as nothing can explain what its like on campus than personal experience. Don't be upset if you don't get into your desired school, every college has its opportunities its just what you make of it. Take risks, step out of your comfort zone while at college, its the only way to help develop you as a person and to maybe undiscover what your future interests are. Be yourself, don't feel lpressured to do anything if it doesn't feel right. Have fun and good luck !


you should always visit the college to see if you feel comfortable and you shouldn't worry about money its all about where you feel most comfortable and happy at and as for the making the most of the college experience part get involved with your school and be open minded to everything including your surroundings and the biggest piece of advice I can give you is two words Time Management


When choosing a school to begin your college education, pick ones that apply to your best interests as well as fit your personality. The personal relationship between the student and the university is very crucial to your success. If you're not comfortable or happy with your surrounding it makes it really difficult to focus and concentrate in your studies, making for a poor and regretful college experience. Always go with what you want even if it's not neccessarily the best situation that presents itself, because more often than not the best situation isn't what you want. Don't be ashamed to choose a less prestigous university over, say an "Ivy League School". The point of college is to get a better education for a better job, and have an amazing time doing it making life long friends and lasting memories.


Make sure to find a college that suites the needs of your area of study, this is hte most important. And lastley to pick somewhere that you like. Make sure you like where it is located, because afterall you are going to be living there.