San Diego State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Diego State University know before they start?


College is very different from the high school atmosphere. It can simplify your life if you plan and manage your time well, or it can create chaos if you do not. The college life at a comunity college is not like it is at a 4-year university, making new friends is much more difficult. Above all things, apply for financial and government aid to help through the difficult economic downfall, manage your time well, and keep on track with iGETC transferrable classes. If everything is done well and on time, your transition will be relatively easy.


First of all, I definitely would not have waited so long to go back to school. I am a 37-year-old female who has gone back to school to earn a Psychology degree. In many ways, being an older, non-traditional student has its advantages. I have much more life experience than that of my fellow students, and am much more focused on my future career plans. But there are many times when I wish I had the carefree lifestyle of a 21-year-old and was fully experiencing the problem-free college days that my fellow students experience.


Based on the high school I was attending, I would have spend more time learning more than the material covered in each class. I would spend less time in the extracurricular activities I was involved in. I would have spend more time outside of class with my teachers, so that I could learn the concepts to the topics discussed in class to a level that may be discussed in college. Instead of just trying to get good grades, I would have tried to prepare for each subject beginning that summer before senior year. I would spend endless hours in the library with the teachers that dedicated their time to students for night library. I would have socialized with other students more, because you never know if the student next to you knows more to possibly help you understand as well. I would have told myself to focus mostly on the important points instead of trying to comrehend the whole book. I would have also taken the time to look up terms, concepts, or topics that I did not understand by using resources other than the ones provided. I would have planned my schedule ahead of time as well.


I would tell myself to work harder. It might suck at the time, but the hard work will pay off. I would tell myself to continue remaining true to my conscience and to listen to my instincts about people and situations.


I would tell myself to stay focused on my school work and get my studying out of the way before socializing with friends. I would also reccomend to make a routine to follow each week to make sure that I do not fall behind in my classword, while still alotting some free time to spend meeting new people and getting involved on campus. I highly reccomend living in on-campus housing, that is how I met some of my closest friends. Lastly I would tell myself to talk to to teachers and use their office hours to ask questions if I need help. Professors can appear intimidating during lecture but many of them are very willing to help a student who needs it.


Make sure you begin your appllications early, so in the long run you have more time to make a definite decision as to where you would like to go. Do not base your decision solely on your subject interest, money or the social life. Make your decision off a combination of the many different aspects of college life.


As cliche as it sounds, college really does help you find yourself. There is so much to do and be involved in that it can be overwhelming but as long as you follow your own path, you can do nothing but succeed. Your classes should help ignite a passion for a certain field of study and applying yourself whole heartedly to learning will be more rewarding than you will know. College is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person and a professional so make your time there count!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself a number of things. I would tell myself to enter college with an open heart and open mind. When I was younger, I was completely unaware of the diversity that SDSU holds. I never imagined that so many people from different countries and states would be a part of my college experience. I also wish that I told myself to be more extroverted and outgoing. I feel like I missed a couple opportunities to form certain friendships, and I had to learn it the hard way. Friends and study buddies are very easy to come by, especially at SDSU, I just wish that I cherished that ideal when I was a freshman. I knew from day one that I had to work extremely hard to be accepted into nursing school, and I have the GPA to prove it, but I wish I focused a little bit more of my energy on my social life. I missed out on some opportunities because I was constantly studying, but at least I have been granted an amazing education.


I would tell myself not to be afraid. College is a wonderful experience, each year brings you more knowledge and puts you closer to meeting your goals. Plan to study abroad, it is an amazing experience, you get to make so many good friends. Don't be scared to meet with your professors, they are all interesting and want to share their knowledge with you. You will make many friends in unexpected places. Don't worry about being at a school that is so much bigger, you will find your own place there. Don't lose track of your dreams, you are stronger than you think and you will grow with each year. Cherish the time you have here because it will be over before you know it.


I would tell myself, to be sure of who I was. College is full of amazing opportunities as well as stupid opportunities. You really have to be sure of yourself to make the right choices. I would tell myself that the high school friends I had will drift apart but when it's 3am and you are alone after a party or upset after a test, the ones who matter most will be only a phone call away. College is the time for you to realize who you are and become closer with your family. It takes moving away to a new place to realize how much of a child you still are and how much you still need your parents? kind words and encouragement. I would tell myself, to be more appreciative of my parents, because without them answering my phone calls regardless of what time it is, I would not have been as successful as I am today. College life, is difficult- at times impossible. The first year you will experience the harsh realities of being poor, confused, lost and heartbroken. But then you will realize who you are through those hardships and emerge and better stronger person