San Diego State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Diego State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time to see myself in high school I would have told myself to take school more serious. To learn better study habits, and ask more question when I do not know the answers. No matter how emberassing it could have been, that in just a few years all the people in this class that I am sitting with I will no longer talk too. Also just to have fun as a kid while I could because it will not always be fun, that grades will matter more then anything there is in the education world.


Many students believe that college is a time to study, party, meet people, and learn about one's self. The idea of putting a label on college is completely incorrect. One thing that I have learned over these four years is that college is "dynamic". The experience will be whatever you make of it along the way. One should not go into undergraduate study with a long set of expectations but instead learn to continually try new things, take chances, maximize opportunities, and adapt to one's surroundings. College is more than finding a career path, networking, and maturing. This is a time where one can learn what type of person they wish to become and what they may truly value in life. You will uncover things that you never knew existed and it is important to confront the unknown. This is what college is truly about! Don't be affraid to take chances and maximize any opportunity that steps in front of you. This is a time where one can take more risks and pursue things that were never even imaginable. Most importantly, do not do things just because everybody else does. Try something of interest that moves you!


When thinking about the most practical and meaningful advice, I would have to say the most important thing I have learned about college life and the transition is that being yourself is more important than what anyone else thinks. Use your voice and do not be afraid to go against what others are saying or doing. Sometimes the lone voice can be the loudest. I have learned that it is important to be sensitive to others' opinions and thoughts but that does not mean that you have to necessarily agree with them. Being true to yourself will bring your more happiness in the end. Not letting others define who you are will prove that those who are next to you in the end, like you for your true self. I think that this is so important to me because it is easy to let others be most influencial in life, when college is about finding who you are and using your unique qualities in life and inevitabley finding happiness in yourself and those qualities. Hopefully my high school senior self would be willing to heed these words of advice, however; they will be learned nonetheless.


Life makes twists and turns and changes direction without warning. In major transitional periods, such as when it comes time to select colleges and move away from home, it's impeccable to keep an open mind. Yes, its important to draw out a road map, but detours and pit stops should be expected. Personally, while ranking my list of colleges, I never thought San Diego State would be the university I would end up at. I realize now that it was crucial that I kept an open mind and took what came my way. The best piece of advice I'd give a college 'newbie' is that life will work itself out. There is not alot of time to spend worrying about the future and it certainly does not do any good to try and plan an entire twenty year career in one sitting. I would have told myself to trust my gut, stay true to my morals and know that I will end up where I am intended to be. By taking life one day at a time and striving to be the best person I can possibly be is how I have survived my first year in college.


I would tell myself to go straight to a four-year university like I had planned. I could have earned my Bachelor's degree this past semester if I had and I would be on my way to graduate school. Instead I just transfered to just barely start working toward my Bachelor's degree.


If I could give back to time and will return the school, with my knowledge now I was better prepared pear get to college. I do not mean in academic affairs since I graduated from school with an average excellent, but I had prepared for independence and doing things for myself. But to be honest but I like college, and I would not go back to school.


Okay, Daniel. Before you throw these eggs at your assistant principal’s house, make sure your truck isn’t in view of his front door. Don’t worry; you are going to throw enough eggs that you can sacrifice a couple throws to ensure a clean (pun intended) getaway. You are going to have a lot of troublesome moments like this, but eventually a light will come on in your head. Some call it common sense, others call it maturity, and I like to intellectualize the process by calling it healthy exploration of my potential as a Major League Baseball player. Remember these moments because they are the ones you can laugh about when nothing else brings you humor. In the short term, you are not making your college transition any easier with your (hilarious) pranks, but in the long run you are building a person that others are proud to know. You will see that assistant principal again five years after graduation, and although you will still feel remorse for throwing a few dozen eggs at his house, he will greet you with the title of “the old egg thrower, himself” and put a welcoming hand on your shoulder.


The advice i would give myself would to procces my dream, and to not let other stop me from procces my dreams. I would have like to become a better person, and stick to the school work in high school, but now i realize that becasue being in college hows teach me alot about life and become a man too.


the simplest things I could tell my self is taking notes, keeping organized ,and having fun. Having fun would be my biggest college is great and I think that getting out there and communitcating with others. saling your self in a good way you never know who you will run into and who will change your life.


When I was in high school, I was not a good student. I am 33 years old now and things are much different than they were back then. I wish I could go back and tell myself to focus and keep a positive attitude. I would tell myself that in order to succeed in life, I need a good education. "Desiree, don't be distracted by negative events and people who you think are your friends. This is a crucial time in your life. The things you do now will follow you for a lifetime. Live up to your potential and get as far ahead as possible now, before marriage, children and life complicate things. No one in your family has ever attempted college and you will be the first. You will be a role model for all future generations of this family. Work hard and you will be rewarded."