I really like the learning environment. I'm able to concentrate in class and able to study well. There's a good balance between learning and your social environment. It's easy to make friends in a classroom.
The best ting about my school are the people, the city it is in, and the atmosphere. Everyone is open minded and fun and optimistic despite the hard times. Everyone is nice and welcoming.
The best thing about my school is the level of energy students provide here. This school is not like any other campus I visited in the past. The people are nice and respectful. Every one is open minded. Although every one is competitive, they have strong support for the school. For example, budget cuts have affected our school and what students do is fight back by evoking strikes. We also support smaller communities and try to raise money to fund other communities in need. Overall, the best thing to me is the helping and positive vibe every one gives off
I consider the sense of community between students and professors very strong because whenever their are complications that are occuring on campus (budget cuts, religious evangelists, etc.), the support and family mentality that is established between students and teachers is very admirable.
The best thing about my shcool is definitely the diversity of the students and the rich history that started the whole revolution in the quality of education for minorities which began here with 1969 strike known as the Third World Liberation Front.
the best thing abouy my school is the ability to have transportation for those who have to commute.
My school is very diverse and most people i met are very fun and helpful.
The best thing about SFSU is how artist everyone is. You are able to be who you are and you don't have to worry about feeling out of place. You can dress as crazy as you want and know that someone will be dressed crazier than you.
At San Francisco State University, you are not only getting an amazing education from professors who truly love to teach, but you are also getting an intersting experience. SF State is a university dedicated to social justice; this is demonstrated through classes offered, multi-cultural events on campus, and the student body. I have sat in many of my classes and known that only at SF State would I receive this type of education. When I graduate I will be not only ready to continue onto graudate school, but also I will be a better person.