San Francisco State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It is easily accessable from all neighborhoods of San Francisco. That way, I am not forced to live on or next to campus where there are no jobs and do not need to have a car.


I guess there's two sides to every story, althought SF State is an urban campus with its downturns. Being a city campus also has it's advantages ,due to it's proximity to great cultural centers, and it's exposure to a diverse group that populates the city, making san francisco state a very rich experience.


As with life, the real education is acheived by exposing yourself to an environment of diversity. Rich with multiformity, my school proudly welcomes a wide demographic of students and teachers. What has been most rewarding is the collective knowledge and experiences that the students share with one another. Instead of a staunch environment of conformity, my school provides the intellectual stimulation of wide-ranging perspectives and opinions. The nature of this environment has given me an invaluable education - with the school of academia in junction with the school of life, I have learned things that I wouldn't have elsewhere.


The best thing about my school is it's location. It is in San Francisco right where most of the students will find jobs after they graduate. I also love that all my professors have had proffessional experience in their area so it is easier to respect them and listen to their advice on the real world.


I consider the immense amount of diversity the best thing about the school I attend. I believe that in the field of study that I am in, hospitality management, diverstiy is something that I will always encounter. So this school was the perfect choice, not to mention San Francisco is one of the most popular destination points in the world.


The best thing about San Francisco State University is the location. It is right in the middle of one of the most diverse, culturally rich cities in the world, and while the campus itself may not be the most social or exciting, there are no shortage of activities, events, and sights in the surrounding city of San Francisco. There are all kinds of museums, galleries, theatres, restaurants, performances, readings, and more that can expose one to all kinds of cultures, views, histories, and experiences, as well as enrich one's learning experience at SF State.


The best thing about this school is the diversity. I'm not only talking about the diversity of the student population, which I LOVE that we have, but the diverse selection of academic courses. There are so many different courses you can take that when you leave San Francisco State University, you'll not only be filled with knowledge of your choosen major but also come out a well rounded, cultured individual, with a new outlook to different views and cultures.


My school is widely known for the large polulation of ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural diversities. These attribute is particularly good for me, because my race is a minority in this country. From the classroom to offices to outdoors on campus any day, all you will find is people from differrent backgrounds. Moreover, I think that my school is one of the schools in california that provides 24 hrs computer lab and study room for students. These kinds of resourses are very helpful to students in respect to the school workload.


Mandeep Sethi's verse, on stage with Killah Priest of Wu-Tang/Sunz of Man. Free Palestine!


This is footage from a protest of military recruiters at San Francisco State University.