If I were to go back in time, I would make sure to truly appreciate my last year of high school, before moving on to the next chapter. I would start earlier on refining my time management skills, and recognize any discovery on relieving stress. I would appreciate my priorities up to that time, and realize that they were sure to change. But I would be welcoming to this change. I would also appreciate my close friends, but be prepared to meet new and exciting people, all different people, that would be sure to influence my life in some way. I would take more notice of interesting articles or images I saw, clip them and keep them in a shoebox for later inspiration. And I would keep a notebook or journal to write down ideas that crossed my mind or song lyrics that struck a nerve. I would think about what I wanted for myself in a college experience, and be prepared to shatter that idea and experience new things. I would resist from letting a highschool sweetheart stand in the way of something amazing. And I would not be afraid to take chances or to travel somewhere unpredictable.
The best advice I would give to a high school senior is to spend your time wisely. Enjoy every moment, cherish it with your famliy. They are your biggest support, the ones that have brought you to where you are today. Your parents are helping you afford college and helping you achieve your goals. Don't forget to thank them and always stay in touch, in the end sometimes family is all you have. While you are figuring out your path for the future, don't forget the past. Keep in touch and stay involved with your friends. Come your freshman year you will have so many new friends and you will want to remember the old. Every choice you make throughout your senior year, will have some effect towards college. Be smart, and think about all of your actions before. And to make your parents proud, try applying for some scholarships before you enter college, you might actually win some, and help out your family. Stay focused and have a goal, you will be sucessful your freshman year. Good Luck!
Do not fear the challenges that lie ahead of you. Colleges would always want you succeed, so I say to be academically prepared and always study hard. Plus, in a campus, you will be meeting with new people from all over the world, so get a chance to increase your social life.
If you get homesick, at least recieve a phone call from your family and friends from time to time, or perhaps Facebook.
College life can be tough, especially in these tough economic times. If you can, try to search more financial aid to pay off your room & tuition. Perhaps getting a part-time job would be nice for some spending money.
Most importantly, do not procrastinate. You do not want to fall behind your schedule or else you may end up failing in your class.
If I had a chance to talk to myself from senior year, I would say, "Listen to yourself, not others, when it comes to what you want to do with your life. I know you feel lost but you are not the first person who didn't know what to do with your life. No one knows what you want to do but you. Choose what is right for yourself regardless of people's disagreement. You are use to pleasing others even if it means putting yourself on the back burner. It's okay to do that sometimes but not all the time. It's not a selfish act to chase your desires. THIS IS YOUR TIME. Whatever you want to do, if you are positive it's the right decision for you, then go for it. Have no concern about other's opinions or why they believe you are making that decision. The only opinion that matters is yours right now. Your opinion will always matter when it comes to you. If it's meant to be, it's up to you. Fear not. Have faith in yourself. Go after YOUR dream!!"
I would sit myself down and say "Taylor. Work as MUCH as possible and get more organized. You are about to attend the school of your dreams, and it's going to be hard. You will hit some bumps in the road along the way, and there's going to be pain. But let this pain motivate you to work even harder, and to show them that you CAN and WILL make it through college. Get as much money as you can, because your parents can not help you anymore. Your art supplies will be exspensive and so will your books. During your second quarter, you're going to be hit pretty hard so you need to be ready. Just know that you do have family and friends that do care about you and will be there for you when you need help. You're going to love SCAD. It will feel like your second home."
Realistically, ask yourself how far away do you want to move from home? Take into consideration the cost of travelling such as by car, bus, train, or airplane. How are you going to pay for school? This is when applying for scholarships and grants can help subtract from tutition. Should I bring a car to school? This is a big question that everyone asks themselves. Cars are useful if the main stores are not apart of the school's bus routes. On the other hand, parking can be quite difficult. Sometimes you have to either park only in a specific place or circle around to find an open place. A rather huge transition would have to be living with others that might or might not respect your privacy. Since, everyone lives by what they are accustomed to this can lead to disagreements among the group. So I would advise you to know the backgrounds of your roommates before choosing them. Finally, the most diffult transition from high school to college is becoming an adult and having to be responsible for everything like paying tutition, choosing classes, and working a job.
If i could go back to school as a high school senior. I would have pushed myself and excel more than what i did.
Hey Marisa good to see you! Don?t stress so much, please relax about school and you will do just fine. Focus more on enjoying your time with friends you will always find the time to study. Take advantage of this time as being an expected time to be immature you will never have that scenario again. Learn to love your quirks and spastic ramblings believe it or not you will meet people who share the same view of life. My wish for you is to find a perfect balance of obligation and play and remember the harder you work to always play hard. I admire your discipline and strong ethic, but this is not enough to guarantee any situation, you also have to work smarter. This means to rationalize what is expected beforehand and complete it in half the designated time as well as being aware of how people think. You can take advantage of this in any situation just be relying on your intuition, this will open doors for you. Please don?t be nervous about college you will love it, you will finally meet like-minded people and actually have interesting assignments. Nice to talk to you!
To be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} honest about this question I would say "Go for it." I am so happy at my chosen school. But it is those little $$$ signs that make all the difference in my happiness You see to me, receiving this scholarship is more than just money ? it is a means of funding my education- my personal growth and exploration. I know I have the determination to be successful, not only in photography, but in any career involves the visualization of occurrences in our world. In my opinion, visual imagery has no limits. It is a powerful means of communication that speaks, without words, but with so much feeling. With my work, I want to draw the viewers eye to common things people often see, but at the same time, overlook. I want to inspire passion, movement, and the involvement of others in a just cause. I know that I have found my niche, and I certainly will become an influential photographer.
Keep doing what you're doing. You'll be fine.