Savannah College of Art and Design Top Questions

What should every freshman at Savannah College of Art and Design know before they start?


Stay true to yourself. Be open to different views and opinions and grow through all these experiences but don't fall into impulse. Remember what your ideals and values are and stick to them.


I would tell myself to do a lot more research into my area of interest and work a lot harder on keeping up my portfolio.


DON'T GO TO AN ART SCHOOL THAT IS LOCATED ALL THE WAY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY THAT HAS NO CAMPUS AND WHERE YOU TAKE THREE CLASSES AND ATTEND CLASS TWO TIMES A WEEK. But, since you probably will because they gave you the largest scholarship, try to get involved in classes and put yourself out there more.


You're going to love it.


Get a 4 or a 5 on the AP Art history test it will save you a lot of time.


The advice that I would give to myself would be to never give up and to not take a break from school. Anything is possible, and just because a financial issue comes up does not mean that you cannot still acheive your goals. "One door closes, another one opens." Instead of getting frustrated and just giving up on the first try, weigh all your options and know that there is more than one way to get things done. Follow your heart and dreams, nothing is impossible and the word "can't" needs to be thrown out of your vocabulary.


If I could go back in time and advise myself about college life and the process, I would have stressed more to myself on how important it is to try to get scholarships to cover the cost of my education. I had an idea of how expensive school is but did not take it as serious as I should have. Now I am in my second year trying to do what I can, scholarship-wise, to figure out how to supply myself with funds needed for my next two years so that I can continue my education. There is no way I would or should quit now, so I just have to continue moving forward from here!


do a lot of searching and research, and when you think you have found the right place, start over, you usually only get one chance to experience college, so try to find the one that fits you as a person mentally and socially


Let your children be who they are, let them follow their dreams.


When looking for a college or university to attend, the best thing you can do is to find the school that best fits what you're looking to learn, as well as best suits your preferred environment and cost. When choosing a school, make sure that you're willing to work hard enough to make it worth while. It is especially important to be willing to put effort into assignments and classwork to make the most of your time and money if you don't get scholarships and/or you choose an expensive school because chances are, it will be difficult to afford without going into significant debt. Also, make sure the quality and field of education are what you're looking for. Otherwise, it will be a waste of your time and money. A good environment is also important when choosing a college, not only in terms of safety but also in terms of climate and atmosphere. When in a favorable climate, you will more likely be in a positive state of mind and therefore better able to work and focus.