Make sure it's a college that not only is relative to your interests of study but will also help you find a great job after school. I have no problem finding work in my field thanks to my college education and it's name on my resume and it's made a huge difference in my life. Also, realize that as great and fun an experience as college is it's also preparing for the real world and if you don't put in the time to have a great portfolio or amazing amount of knowledge for your field when you graduate you are just wasting money. But most importantly, make sure you pick a major that you can find work in. It's not worth the money to study a subject that will not help you pay off those student loans unless you plan on teaching it the rest of your life.
Go for your gut feeling on what you want to do and persue it with everything you've got.
The college should fit the students personality, large colleges are not for everyone.
Visit every school are you interested in and meet with the professors.
Go visit the college yourself! You can not get a full understanding of what campus life is like with that particular school by looking at a website or brochure. Go there, talk to students that are currently attending, ask questions. If you can find a current student that you could stay with for a couple of days, that would also help you to really understand the student lifestyle there. Just because other people talk big about a particular school, doesn't mean it's the right school for you. Go find out for yourself what's right for you!
Finding the right college takes time, and thorough thought. It should not be decided on a whim, as you'll soon find, that's the reason why many transfer during or after freshman year. Visit the prospective school(s) and talk to a real student or two to get your questions answered truthfully.
To make the most of the college experience, I'd recommend being open to new and different experiences without jeopardizing your true self. Be safe, and don't make decisions that are unwise.
Take advantage of every opportunity and remember that college is not a waiting period before "real life", it IS real life.
When you are looking for the right college it really depends what you want to get out of college. For me it was landing a really good job when I got out.
So I had to forfeit a lot of things that I hold dear in order to prepare for the future. So I would say look for the college that will get you where you want to go after you graduate and everything else comes second. The things that would come second is what kind of school spirit you like, campus activies, political orientation, religious orientaion and so on.
The most important component of the college search is getting on campus! I missed that when I searched for universities, only visiting the school I selected. In large part, the decisions I made while on-campus motivated my application. Talking to current students about food, course loads, bus systems, and parties gave me the insight necessary to confidently apply, and reassured my parents that the school was an appropriate investment.
Only by spending time on campus will you as a prospective student have the opportunity to really "get" the school. That the school ranked on a Kaplan chart of best schools, or received high marks for a course of study tells you as an individual little about the nature of the lives of students. It tells you nothing about where to buy ice cream, where to have a picnic, where to sing in church, or where to have the moments that will shape your collegiate years.
The right school for you will frame your personal growth. The most learning you'll ever do will happen outside the classroom; your best teachers will be your peers. Get an early start on it, and start your search on the Quad!
figure out what you want to do with your life before going to school. going to school just for the sake of going to school is not beneficial to anyone. if you need to take your time to figure out what your dreams are then take the time you need, and then pursue them when you figure out what they are.