Schreiner University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


There isn't anything else that I would have like to have known because I love attending this college. It is my first semester here. I transferred and I have received nothing but good news and compliments at this college.


There is really not anything I wish I would have known before I came to Schreiner. When I first went on a tour of the campus everyone was very nice and told me of their experiences and opinions of the campus and Kerrville. So far what I was told is exactly how the school and city were described.


I wish that I had known ahead of time that when I gained entry into Schreiner University, that I would be gaining a family as well.


How much it really costs to attend.


Before I attended Schreiner University I wish I would of known that pre-cal was really hard. Other than that I was well informed about Schreiner University


I wish i would have known not to let my social life get the best of me. That it was going to be a lot tougher than high school, and i would have to study more.


I wish that I had known that the students already at Schreiner are so close, that, as a new student, it is hard to make friends with anybody except other new students. Instead of the upperclassman showing the new students around campus or town, you have to figure it all out alone.


I wish that i would have known that its not as scary as it seems. And that every day is like a new adventure.


I wish that I had known more of what I want to do when I graduate.


I wish I could have known about the economic recession that came about. My parents don't have a lot of work or money anymore just like everyone else. I probably would have went to a cheaper more financially manageable school simply because of the crisis for money and jobs right now.