Seton Hill University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Seton Hill University?


It's funny how in highschool I use to brag that my classes were easy and now in college, I'm bragging that my classes are challenging. I feel like I'm learning something at Seton Hill University because the teacher to student ratio is small enought that professors know my name and I don't feel like a number in a class, but an individual. I brag to my friends that this schools academics are amazing and I wouldn't change schools for anything.


Honestly, the dining hall. They have great food. I know a lot of schools have the worst food ever but our dining hall is amazing.


For 2010-2011 school year all full time students will be recieveing an brand new iPad for free.


Good academics and athletics.


I brag about very little.


I don't brag about my school.


The teachers, especially in the theatre department have an excellent relationship with their students because, while it is a growing school, it is still very much a small school. These relationships reflect that. I love that I am able to say I've been to at least two of my teachers houses multiple times.


We are getting a 21 million dollar performing arts center which is reallyimportant to me becuase I am a music/theatre major!