Shaw University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shaw University know before they start?


When looking for college/university to attend, please make sure it is the one of your choice and not the one your parents or friends want you to attend. Also when looking for a school to attend, look at the student/teacher ratio because that does have a major affect on how you learn. To make the most out of your college experience, take advantage of everything that is placed in front you. Get involved in activities around campus and make yourself available to the faculty and staff because that will pay off.


i wold say that you want to attend a college that you feel would carry you. Also you want to attend a college that gives you a little challenge and at the end of the day you feel you learned something.


I would advise the parents and students to make sure they pick a college that have the students at their best interest and a college that serve not just as a guidance, but serve also as a family ,who really cares and will really provide a solid structure and a college that set examples and lives by their examples. A college that has the necessary tools to motivate and inspire students to believe that they can reach their full potential if they put forth an effort and uses the tools from the college to help them is also advice that I would give to parents and students. I would advise the parents to stay close connected to their child/children and the activity that they are involved at college and to keep an open mind as well as follow up with their child/children to make sure that they are happy with the college and are getting the necessary tools that they need to progress into a more productivity society. Safety is also a major element and needs to be address as first priority.


start early in looking for financial aid avoid loans at all cost. childern try every club and organization in college keep the ones you like leave the ones you don't college is to find out who you are . the degree is just to show that you are able to learn.


The advice I would give parents or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is that first, find schools that have your major that is a must. Finding schools with your major will make it easier for you to narrow your results down better. Secondly, I would prefer you go visit the school first before you make a final decision. This helps because you can know the environment and see if it best fits you. Thirdly, talk to people about their college experiences and see what you can learn from them to make college easier for you. It is important to know these things because you will be happier and it will make you feel better about your choice.


The advice I would give would to be to follow your heart, what ever school you end up at will "never" be perfect but it is what you make it. Stay focused, and motivated. Get involved in some kind of sport, club, sorority or faternity to stay active. Volunteer in your community and/or local churches to put on your future resume. Before graduating apply for some sort to internship that is connected to your major to get a better understanding and hands on experience of what you will be getting into once you graduate. Before you know it your whole college experience will pass you by without any regrets!


Make sure that your choice school is affordable, fits your personality, and most of all has your major.


As in the case of all major life decisions, be sure to do your homework. Visit the school at least once. Talk to some of the students and student leaders. Walk around camous and get a feel for the place. Go on the campus tours and visit the website and read some of the history of the school. After you've done all that, if you feel like you want to be apart of all that we do here, you will definately be welcomed with open arms. :-)


The best advice I could give to parents and students to finding the right college is to start looking and researching early. Visit the campus and make sure the college or university is what you really want. Do not settle for less. Make sure the school reaches your standards and nothing lower. You have to live with this school. There is no time for mistakes. Make the right choice the 1st time!!!


The best advice that I can give to the parents and the students is to make sure that you visit the school, during the school year, before choosing that college or university. Every college will make the enviroment look better than what it is, also if you go during the school year you can get a chance to see what kind of students go there. The next thing is to make sure that you pick a college that you can afford for four years or more. Many students find themselves leaving after two years because they have taken out too many loans and can no longer receive funding. For the students pick a place where you feel that you can grow as an individual. Make sure that the university or college has and is accredited for the major that you want.