Solano Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Solano Community College?


Solano Community College is a great opportunity for students of all types. It has a rich student body ranging from students straight out of high school, to transfers from other colleges, adults looking to get back into school, post-graduate students, and many more. At Solano Students are looking for their chance to become a successful person, so anyone who enrolls with the intent to hinder the learning experience of others should not attend this school. Everyone deserves a chance at bettering themselves, and Solano is the opportune place to do that, and overt distractions negatively affect the environment.


The only person who wouldn't want to attend this college is anyone looking for a Master's Degree program, or someone looking for a college to transfer to after completing General Education courses.


The only student who should not attend any school is one that has no desire to improve themselves or futher their education.


The type of person who should not attend Solano Community College is one who does not wish to have a college education. People who attend this school to only gain personal socializing with friends are the people who should not be in college.