Greek life is huge, close to 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} or 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. There are parties every weekend where fraternities rent buses and rent out bars around Dallas so there is no drunk driving. DDs are usually appointed if there are no busses. Students leave their doors open all the time as stealing is a rarity. Athletic events are pretty popular although not as much as the tailgating beforehand. SMU has some of the best guest speakers in the country. In the past year we've had people such as Anderson Cooper and Tony Blair. Dating is very common. Frats usually have parties with sororities where you can meet guys or girls. If youre awake at 2am on a tuesday youre probably getting back from the bars and post-gaming at a frat house, apartment or dorm somewhere...
Greek life is a big part of the social life here at SMU, if you have the chance to join a frat or sorority, i highly recommend it! I am involved in the Texas Beta chapter of Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) and if i could do it again i would not change a thing!
students in the dorms dont leave their doors open, they sometimes bolt their doors but the RA's dont really like that, some people tape their locks so that they can open and close them without a key.
Athletic events are pretty big first semester but then when people see that they actually have to start working hard it kind of dwindles down.
The dating scene is pretty crazy it seems like the most random people get together, but its SO much fun and everyone is always looking for a good time!
I met my closest friends two were from home and we grew closer by moving here, and the others by opening my mouth and not being shy! I can make the wall talk back to me so thats what i would do, it might take a second to see who are truly your good friends, but once you do they are awesome!
If im awake at 2am on a Tuesday im probably out because the bars close at 2! but if i get back to the dorm we are going crazy waking some people up or just sitting in the hall talking to friends! People party every every EVERY night. if you want to go out. you can, there is ALWAYS A PARTY. you dont have to go but the main question asked is "are you going out tonight?" I love how if you want to go out you can, it reminds me of new orleans!
Last weekend i drove to Galveston TX with a friend of mine and we rented a hotel room and beach bummed it for a weekend, then came back and studied! it was AMAZING!
Many people are involved in religious organizations on campus and greek life is very prominent (especially in the party scene). I met most of my closest friends in my dorm freshman year and when I joined my sorority in the spring of freshman year. Guest speakers are fabulous! I don't attend as many as I should, but I did see Sheryl Crow and Dashboard Confessional, etc.
-countless activities occur in all aspects of the scale.
-involved student government, campus wide activities
-LOTS of exciting guest speakers
-plenty of old traditions, which are not upheld because the athletics are so pathetic and unexciting
greek life is huge. fall semester is full of theme frat parties every weekend. sporting events arent that big of a deal, except for the football tailgating. the dorms are a great way to meet people, but going through rush is where i really met my closest friends i still have now
Greek life is huge. There is always a great themed Fraternity party to go to. Students are very social in dorms and on campus. Everybody is ready to meet people. People party a good amount but not too much. There is always someone to go out with and a place to go, but always someone to stay in with and study. Dallas is GREAT!
Frats and sorrorities. Football team, frat. Yes we leave our doors open. Not very right now. Yes, we had Tony Blaire a couple of weeks ago, that was interesting. Through rush. At the bar or with a lady friend. Casino Night, Jungle, Figi Island, Brown bag, BOULEVARD. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we are a party school. Very important, Very. Last weekend we (FIGI) went to austin all weekend, Drank, Partied, floated the river and had fun. So much, Mavs game, symphony, movie, theater, tons, we just choose to drink.
Grek system is the only organization that matters to SMU.
Greek life is big, but not necessary for everyone. Rush is in spring semester here, not in fall, which is good.
Football sucks, but they're trying. Our soccer and basketball do pretty well (and rowing).
Social Life- Dallas has everything, including its club area, Deep Elem. (sp?)
STAY IN FRESHMEN DORM YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR!!! Its an easy way to meet ppl quickly. Doors are always open. Its not that way in most of the other dorms. I didn't, and I only knew 1 person coming here. I was really lucky in going potluck for my roommate, and we ended up being best friends (and in diff sororities so we don't just hang out with girls in our sorority).
Tues & Thurs are the big party nights on weekdays..esp Thurs. Frats will have parties then, usually themed one (FUN!) and then of course the weekends..
If you don't go out on certain nights.. hope that others don't otherwise you might be in your room watching a movie by yourself or doing hw. Everyone seems to get a lot of hw at the same time though, so you can usually find a group of friends together in the library.
Greek life is HUGE here. I highly recommend it. Its an easy way to meet ppl. Best decision I've made here.