Southern University and A & M College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southern University and A & M College know before they start?


The reason why college is so important is not just because of the education it provides you. It allows you to enhance to your comprehension skills, which will make you more competitive when entering a work enviorment. I know it may seem like a prison sentance of four years, but think of it as a safe haven for you to meet innovative people like yourself, and turn your dreams in to goals. My advise to you is to go to school and find out who you want to be in life, stay young as long as you can. The hardest part of living is growing up, so why not put yourself in an enviorment of people who will make that transition easier for you.


I would say keep an open mind. Be aware that everything is not always the way it seems. Do your research and keep applying for scholarships. I would emphasize the importance of good grades and a positive attitude.


If i could go back through time to inform myself when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself that I shouldn't feel afraid to call college because they are really helpful and are willing to work your problem out. Also really work to complete and turn in those local scholarship packets to Mrs. Sullivan because everyone who filled them out got scholarships. All of that money that you could of gotten would really make it easier than having to search all over the internet to find scholarships to help you pay for those classes. You got your grades where you want them so you should be alot more social. Also once you graduate remember to pack in your sound system somewhere in those boxes, it could make all the difference when your sitting in your dorm studying. Now, you may think that your going to be in Nome for a week after graduation, turns out you leave 18 hours after so you should really hit it up with your friends because you will not have much time.


My freshman year in college I decided to try out for the cheerleading team at my university but did not make the team. I did not engage in any of the extracurricular activities on campus, had very few friends, and produced good grades; however I could have done better considering my amount of free time. I greatly missed the simple joys that cheerleading brought to me. I finally confess that my pride was crushed and I felt as though I was at my lowest point because I was not doing anything that was self-fulfilling. The following year I tried out for the team and made it! Subsequently, that semester and the semesters that followed my grades were ecstatic! I discovered that because I was a happier person doing something that I loved, my performances in other aspects of my life were also improving. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would go back and get involved in some kind of extracurricular activities such as student government or one of the many organizations on campus. It made me a more diverse student and allowed me to network and make friends that I will cherish for a lifetime.


My advice to myself would to do things on time. College is a whole different ball game. There just isn't time to wait and be hesitant about when to do things. If you know that it should be done, do it. There is so much to do and so little time. Getting ready and prepared for college can be a hassel. Everything has to be done in an orderly fashion. Waiting to do everything on your time will not work out for you to well. When adults are telling you to start early, they aren't lying. It;s important to get into school and apply on time. But when you get into school, there's so much more to do. Getting everything together if you plan to live on campus is really important. You're basically are moving into your own mini apartment and it's more than just decorations to get. Transportation, food, and so much more is envolved. The best advice is to do everything as soon as possible. When it is told to you, just do it then and there. Because as soon as you miss a deadline, you're in for trouble.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition,If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to remain focus and that only the strong survive. I would tell myself that a party can wait and that my school work is more important. If i can go back I would tell my parents to continue to support me and not give up on me. I would tell myself not to let anyone change me and at the end of the day the only person that can judge me is God.


I would have taken more advantage of the tutoring services so that my grades would have been more appealing. I also would have looked into more schlolarships to help assist with paying for my school.


Dear high school me, First, high school does NOT prepare you for college; it was all a lie! Second, make sure you go and apply for as many scholarships as you can, especially the bill gates scholarship. You should also try to find a job during the breaks and if you have time during school, because the refund money you get after everything is paid for dwindles VERY quickly. If you go to Southern University make sure you learn how to get around campus and make sure that you have everything you need before you do anything. Most importantly, make sure that you do all of your work ahead of time, study a LOT, and belive that you can do whatever you set your mind to. If you don't believe in yourself no one else will either. Oh. And one last thing. Make sure to avoid the "party people", make plenty of good friends, and enjoy yourself! You are in college after all. ^_^ Love Future You.


I would tell my high school self not to worry so much about college! It's not going to be as bad as you think it is. It'll be stressful, hectic, crazy and difficult, but it will also be ridiculously fun, exctiting, life changing, like a big learning adventure. Stop worrying about the money, just enjoy yourself, work hard, and apply to as many scholarships as possible, even the long essay ones, don't be lazy! You can do it, and no matter how many people you lose along the way, you know you can always count on yourself. People will come and go, but the people who matter will stick around. Have fun! And don't forget, you are awesome!


The advice that I would give myself is to take the necessary courses to qualify for any Louisiana TOPS Scholarships and apply for other scholarships.


Kenidi, Kenidi, Kenidi! I am you from the future and here are a few things I need you to do differently senior year! Do not take Mr. Cohen’s American Government/ Economics class as a joke; go in there and study and pass every online test because you could pass with an A, which could bring your GPA to a 4.0 instead of a somewhat acceptable 3.8. Secondly go hard every time you step on that court! Play as though it is your last game every game! You do this you are shooing to be in the FAB FIVE! Lastly I want you to choose your friends wisely! I know you like to have fun but sometimes the company you keep can bring you down! So just make smart decisions and I’m here if you need any more advice! Have fun girl! I LOVE YOU!!


Knowing what I know now in my experience of life and college, I would advise myself as a high school senior in 2006, to really think about what YOU want in life, not what others expect from you. It will be a challenging transition from high school to college. You will want your independence, be pressured into doing things in life that may not be the wisest choice and you will meet people who are in your corner hoping for your failure. You will have to stay focused on your academics and your expectations for your life. You will be tested by family, friends, peers, and those who want better for you. As long as you remain positive, driven, and unafraid to ask for help when needed, you will succeed. No matter how long it takes you to complete your college career, do not be discouraged and quitting is not an option. You deserve the best that life has to offer, always believe this and believe in yourself. The road will be long and trecherous, but keep God first and keep your priorities together. You will be fine, the best is yet to come! Good luck!


Knowing what I know now, If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give my self a lot of advice. First of, I would let myself know to start applying for college as soon as school starts. Secondly, I would let myself know to apply for as many scholarships as i can. I wish I would have done this, I did not want to take out loans but because i did not have any scholarships. I hope now I can get a lot of scholarships so that I can cease my need of loans. Also, I would let myself know to explore more. Now that am in college I woish I would have did research on other schools also. I love my school but I am going to transfer somewhere else that suites me better. I wish all high school seniors could read this. Don't go where your friends are going, don't go to the school that 30,000 a year. Be smart, nothing is wrong with attending a in state, state college. It is the person that matters not that cost of the college. Be smart.


If I had the desscion to go back in time and talk to myself as a high senior senior, I wouldn't want to. Theres always a reason why you are that person as of today. For me, my expierence will have to be referred during my sopohmore year. During my sophomore year, I didn't pay attention in school nor the value of my education. All that matter to me was going out with friends and having a good time. I failed 4 classes, both fall and spring semester. The following year, things unraveled in my head when I saw my friend graduation. All I could think of is imagining me in my friends postion and saying "I accomplished high school". Not until my senior, I knew it was my responsibility to make up those classes I failed back in sophmore year. It took time and effort but I didn't care about the long hours I had to complete my work for the classes that I needed to make up and my classes in general. I was determined to graduate and prove myself, that you can achieve your goal if you put your effort into it.


The most important thing that I would tell myself would probably be to always look forward and not to live in the mistakes of the past. I would always want to try to strive to be the best possible but that's incredibly difficult when you are strained by the thoughts of failure. I think that if I told myself just this then my entire senior year would have turned out differently and I wouldn't still be thinking about the mistakes. However, something else I would tell myself would be to always strive to do the best you can with the time you are allowed. This would definitely change my life.


i shouldn't have waited this long but I going now.


It's time to grow up. You dont have time to be a kid any more. It's time to own ou to your responbilities and become a man. Your parents and friends believe in you but for some reason you don't believe in your self. If believe in your self because you are a strong person, you will be able to accomplish anything you desire . Just believe in god and your lord and savior jesus christ and the will gide you to glory


if I could go back as a High School senior, the advice i would give myself is, "take your time." i was such in a rush to go out and experience the big world without asking for help from older advisors. i would also tell myself, stay calm and prepare for any difficult tasks. In college there is no more "hsnd feeding" it is you go out and do for yourself, or you will be left with anything. As a college studebt, I've been finding more and more about nyself. To evety student thinking if coming, be prepared for a life changing journey! Most of all, have fun!


I have always said that if I could only go back to my senior year, things would be different. I ran track and I have always wanted to go back to my last state trackmeet. I feel that if I would have ran my race instead of letting the ran intimidate me, it would have changed my life. I would have had scholarships and would have finished school in four years instead of dropping out and having to come back and complete my education.


I would have gotten a better GPA before I graduated from high school. Then I would have continued to work hard to maintain the GPA so I would have gotten a better job fresh out of college.