Southwestern Assemblies of God University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southwestern Assemblies of God University know before they start?


Assurance, professional and spiritual growth, and preparation are a few elements gained thus far through my studies at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I have gained assurance and confirmation that my chosen major and career is the appropriate path for my life and ministry. Through the daily chapels I have grown closer to my God and have attained a deeper walk in my faith. The classes which are taught from a Biblical perspective have also encouraged this growth while culturing and enhancing me in my professional abilities. Furthermore, SAGU has well equipped me to enter into my field of study.


I came into college a boy I graduated from College a man. College taught me how to be more mature and independent. Being in College also taught me how to be thankful for my upbringing. Being in College taught me patience and perserverance. The reace is not given to the strong but him that endureth until the end. College has been valuable for me because I met great God-fearing friends that pray for me daily.


College has begun to teach me the important tools I will always need for my future. It has helped me become a more knowledgable and worldly person. The shy, quiet girl I have always been is gone, and I am now able to communicate effectively with the people around me. My college experience has led me down the path to my future.


I am only on my second day at school here in all honesty, But the people I have been around during that time, the friendships I have made are outstanding and they are all great guys to hang around and I can tell that I will absolutely love and enjoy this school year. By the end of this year, its not the education that I will value the most, but the friendships, life lessons and joyful memories that I will have from this. That is what I expect to leave here with, the diploma I will leave here with from this university will be just another way to remember the memories I will have in my eyes


i have learned many things that will be helpfull for my future career, these include the use of varios machines and holding positive argument. due to many classes that i take every semester, i have learned to work hard and to manage my time well. i have also made a lot of friends and i have developed socialization skills. as i keep on with my studies, i learn things that gives me ability to think criticaly and solve defferent obstacles in my life as well as my society. i feel fortunate for being in college, and i am sure that i will use all the skills that i acquire to benefit me and those around me.


I have first of all recieved a higher education, but also I have finished 18 hours. I have grown in my Christian Faith.


The first thing I would tell myself is to develope a good strong devtional life. Get more rooted in the word. WIth a foundation in Christ everything else won't seem as shaky. Next I would tell myself to develope a strong and steady study habit. Get everything in order and organized with my school work and study times. I would tell myself to manage my time wisely and work hard. After that, I would tell myself to get a real job. Employers want someone with experience so I should take whatever job I can get in high school. Then I would tell myself to do more scholarships. The pain of not doing more scholarships in high school will live with me for the next 10-20 years as I pay off my loans. Hopefully, knowing all of this as a high school senior would have better prepaired me for college life and even life there after. That is, if I would have take my own advice.


If I could go back and give my self advice, I would encourage my self to try harder in high school in order to have a higher GPA. I would also encourage my self to be more disciplined and always do my best. Start my college classes as soon as I can, do not slack off and put friends and relationships before studying or doing homework. Plan ahead, use a planner to write my assigments and make sure I meet every deadline. Another advice would be to look for tutoring help if I need it in any subject. I would advice my self to attend to class every day and pay close attention to the professors.


So, listen here work hard in your classes now and get a good GPA so you can win more scholarship money!! Also apply for all scholarships you are qualified for you. Precaution: College is EXPENSIVE!! Also take the time you have now to make friends and enjoy your free time! Do not stress over popluarity because you will not stay close friends with most of them. Do not get me wrong you will still have a few friends from High school. Reach out to your fellow students who are in need of a freind. Take the time know to talk to your close friends because when your in college it becomes hard to keep in contact.College demands more of your time, but if you schedule your day you will find you have more time! The more you prepare now the more you will be ready! You think you study for school now just wait to you get in college. Most of all I want you to have fun your senior year!!


I would tell myself to save more money and to know as much about loans as possible.