Look up more scholarships, pick one school and stay with it, get better study habits, save your money, prioretize your responsibilities, choose your friends wisely, focus on God, and finish as quickly as possible.
I would tell myself to not worry, that the transition is much easier than it seems. I would tell myself that though college can be tough and is expensive, that it is also fun and provides experiences and an education that are extremely useful in life, making the cost and hardwork well worth it.
To find the right college, one should look for the school that meets their wants and needs so that they are comfortable, and receive the best possible education and opportunities for their degree and future career choice. Asking friends, family, and mentors that are currently in the career of your choice about the schools they attended is an excellent way to find the best college. To make the most of the college experience, on should take advantage of all the opportunities their school offers such as internships, volunteering, clubs, tutoring, sports, and events. They should also take advantage of the wisdom and experience of their professors and try to absorb as much information from them as possible, and work hard in the classroom so that they will be more prepared for life and their future career. They should work hard and do their best, but also take advantage of social events in order to build life long relationships.
Check out many different schools before choosing the right one. Make sure they have a good program for the degree that you would like to go for and also make sure you believe what the school believes in and does.
I had to actually go on campuses to know if it was the right school for me. If you don't feel comfortable walking around the campus it might not be the right place. Talk to students who currently go there and definitely do your research before you just pick a school.
If you are looking for a wholesome Christain environment to be in then Sagu is the school for you.
Know what your kids really Want to do. Find a school that is acredited with that major. Visit the school, and if you kid doesn't like it then don't send them there no matter how much you may think it is great. I am way more motivated to do my work somewhere I enjoy being. Also if you kid has a fried and they want to go to the same school and room togethor, let them. If your kid doesn't know what they want to do. Then just let them go to a college of their choice and Do Not Pressure them. You want them to be sucsesfull and happy, being forced into a field you don't want to be, no matter how profitable it may be, does not encourage that. Finally send you kids care packages and don't call them all the time. One of they reasons they are at college is so they don't have to be around you all the time. Let them move on with their lives.
Don't focus a lot on the campus size but look more into social, spiritual and academic
There are many areas of importance to consider when in search for the perfect college for the future college attendee. Each student needs to know what they want out of their college experience and look into every aspect of it. In my experience I made sure to first take time to sit down and write out what I was looking for in a college. It is very important for each student to sit down and envision the college that will fit their personaily as well as their needs, dreams, and goals. Students need to make a list of qualities desired in a college and also ones that they want to stay far away from. This will get them thinking about what they are looking for. The next process is to look. Study up and read about different colleges. Find the best one for you. Next seek guidance from mutiples sources this can be from past college students, current college students, and most importantly God. The combination of all things help the student discover not only what college they are looking for, but also a little something about themselves. Lastly, go apply and trust that God will open the door.
I would tell them to weigh all of their options carefully and to visit as many of their prospective colleges as possible. It's always helpful to talk to current students. Make sure to immerse yourself in the school and participate in the things that interest you.