Well, since I am working on my second bachelor's degree after graduating with a biology degree that I have yet to use, I would give myself alot of advice. First of all, have a plan B and take classes to prepare you for your alternate career path, just in case you decide to not follow your original path. Secondly, I would tell myself to follow your first instinct. For example, if you know that you belong in healthcare, then never stray too far from your goals. Take advantage of any opportunity to broaden your horizons because right after high school is the time to explore before you have the responsibilities of a family and bills. Also, it is a good idea to start building a resume of work experience in a field related to your major while you are in college and you should network whenever possible. Do not let anyone discourage you from the path that you know that you are destined to take. If you face an obstacle in your path, just take the time to figure out what you need to do to get pass that obstacle and be successful. Good Luck!
I would tell myself to be open in the beginning. People are all going through the same thing when you go to college, so you aren't alone. That is the main thing I wish I had understood. It would have made the transition alot easier and allowed me to grow closer to people quicker. Another thing is not to give up to quickly. It takes time for everyone to settle in so people may not be themselves at the beginning.
Dear Megan,
It's you, one year into your future. I know you're enjoying only having one semester of left of high school but it's time to buckle down a little and pick a college. The process of picking out a college is pretty scary but you really can't make a wrong choice. You should pick out a college to play soccer and get some of the basics out of the way before you find a major you enjoy. The best advice I can give you is to fill out as many scholarship applications as possible. I know you are only considering tuition as a cost but textbooks average to about one hundred fifty dollars. That's just for one. You'll be taking at least five classes per semester, you do the math. I know I just dropped a huge stress load but I also want you to relax a little. No matter what college you pick it won't effect the rest of your life. I know you'll do great things. Enjoy the rest of high school.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would make sure that I understood that college life is very different that high school. You are expected to take care of yourself and turn your assignments in on time. There are no grace periods and teachers reminding you of assignments. You need to learn to be very organized and learn good study habits. Your time is very valuable and you need to use it wisely. Don't wait until the last minute to finish an assignment. College assignments are much more detailed than any high school assignment. Learn how to use your resources and make sure you take great notes. Most professors put their notes on blackboard so you need to make sure to print them out and study them. You are considered an adult once you enter college and you need to start learning to act like one. You are the only one responsible for your actions, not your parents. Stay out of the "college life" parties and keep your grades up. With this advice, you can suceed in college and in life.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would say to focus on yourself and no one else. By focusing on other people, I felt the pressure to choose a school that would please everyone else around me and as result of that, I had to leave the college I chose and then apply to a school that really fit my needs. By going through that experience, I was able to understand myself on a deeper level. I would also tell myself to not limit my options and go to every single college campus tour I could and to fully understand the place I would be spending the next four years of my life. By doing these two things, I believe I would have chosen the right college for me the first time around, and not the second time. Thankfully, I wasn't out of college for very long, so I didn't lose much time, but without having that experience I wouldn't have ended up at the college I'm at today.
Make sure you know and understand what you are getting yourself into. Each student should develop a 5 and 10 year plan that way they aren't going to school and wasteing time and money but instead working toward a goal.
I would tell them to try to find a school with good academic programs. I would advise them to make sure they talk to several people on the campus before deciding to attend the school. You want to make sure that they have reliable faculty and people who want to help you. Also you want to make sure that they are willing to help you with financial aid because otherwise it can get very expensive
Be true to yourself and listen to your heart.
Selecting a college that offers the maximum agenda in the student's field of interest is the first priority. Size of college, ratio of student to instructor and cost are also major factors. Being comfortable in one's surroundings often determines the level of success. Participation in campus activities is paramount to being secure and motivated on campus. Picking a college that provides job placement in today's environment will assure the essential experience to further one's career. Making the most of a college is always up to the student and often lays the groundwork for the rest of their career. Doing the homework on colleges will make or break--
The advice to students for making the right choice for college is to be certain that you want to go to college. Next have an idea of what it is you would like to do as a career, then began to look for colleges or universities that would help you get a degree or certification in that desired field. For the most part, take in consideration if you want to live close to home, if want to go away, and most importantly consider the cost of the schools whether you live on campus or off campus.
The advice for parents, consider the college or university that will help in the degree that the student wants to obtain for their career choice. The parent should consider whether their will be any financial aid to assist with the tuition. Check the college for scholarship information that the student will be eligible to apply. See if the colleges close to home will benefit as oppose to others that are not close to home. Parents should contact counselors at the high school to see about state grants and programs for in-state tuition assistance. Always check the internet scholarship websites for eligible applications