Spelman College Top Questions

Describe how Spelman College looks to someone who's never seen it.


The experiences of sisterhood, scholarship, and service in the Spelman College environment are incomparable to that of any institution I have ever set foot on.


The sisterhood that Spelman offers you will never recieve it anywhere else but here.


An empowerment school that encourges woman to be the change they wish to see in the world.


Spelman College is a great institution with an outstanding learning system that seeks to promote the education of African American women.


My school strives for women of empowerment.


The number 1 HBCU five years strong!


Spelman is a historically black college that has very high stamdards for its students.


The fabulous Spelman college is a place to learn and grow, become a role model and confident in your leadership abilities, explore your roots, and produce successful, hard working women.


Spelman College is a school that prepares me for my future not only from an educational standpoint, but it is a school that teaches me integrity, humility, and how to be a pwerful woman that makes a lasting impact on the world around me.


My undergrad school was a very close-knit and family oriented school established on Christian principles and beliefs.