Spelman College Top Questions

Describe how Spelman College looks to someone who's never seen it.


Spelman College is a christian based college that develops their students through education, community service, social activism/involvement, and prepares them for career/corporate leadership.


My school is a wonderful school that fosters growth.


Spelman College is an elite Historically Black College University that empowers women to achieve success and excellence.




My school is a Historically Black all Female College. It is in the heart of SW Atlanta GA. It has a strong academic background. It focuses on womenhood and empowers women.


Spelman College is women empowering women to succeed.


Spelman is a spectacular historically black college for women and is one of the finest institutions for undergraduate education nationwide that provides every student the opportunity to become empowered, through the educational instructions they receive, in order to make a change in the world that will improve the conditions of our society.


Spelman College focuses on catering to students as individuals with tons of unrefined potential and gives them the knowledge, resources, and tools needed to hone and use that potential to help others within their community.


My school is an all women?s liberal arts college that develops free thinking women who change the world.


My school is open to new ideas and new ways of life.