Spelman College Top Questions

Describe the students at Spelman College.


My classmates are very open to helping each other.


My classmates are very outgoing and participate actively in class discussions, using both opinions and facts to express themselves.


Very intelligent and cultured females.


My classmates are intelligent, young women who are obtaining a bachelor's degree, just like myself. I feel that I can relate to them on a variety of levels and have made some pretty close relationships thus far. I also feel that my classmates and I are supportive of one another in achieving to the highest potential.


My classmates are an array of different personalities. There are some that are some of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Others are spoiled brats that look down upon others that are not like them. But most of all, Spelman students try to be fashionable. Most days when I am walking to class, I feel like I am watching a runway show. Everyday there are girls in stilletos or pumps walking to class. Everyone is trying to wear the latest things in fashion and everyone is trying to out-do someone else. Many of the students have catty personalities.


My classmates are great with helping me study , especially in groups outside of class.


My classmates are articulate, ingenious, curious, and open-minded individuals.


I would best describe my classmates as engaged citizens who are constantly meliorate themselves and one another through community service, rigorous academics and compassion for the betterment of their society.


My classmates were typically the valedictorians of their class, or close to it, so their is an eagerness to learn from my classmates.


Strong willed and ambitious women