Spelman College Top Questions

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What is unique about Spelman College is that majority of the buildings still have most of its historical aestetics from when it was first built. Also, the traditions, such as the Brother-Sister Exchange with Morehouse College and the White Dress Ceremony on Founder's Day.


The most unique thing about Spelman College is that it is diverse. Even though Spelman is a Historically Black College and place for women of African descent, Spelman displays that Black women are not monolithic and stereotypical. We are come from different regions, countries, cultures, economical backgrounds, and family background.


Being that we are an all women's college, Spelman teaches us how to succeed and dominate in a society where we are not even considered competition. I am able to learn about my history in its pure state, and not the watered down version my other choices would have given me.


My school is unique because it is an all female liberal arts historically black college that ranks among some of the highest liberal art colleges in the nation. Through experience, I have witnessed first-hand of how Spelman has impacted the lives of women around the world. Although a historically black college, attendees include international women from the Caribbean, Europe, a plethora of African countries, Brazil, Thailand, etc. Spelman emphasizes that its students become leaders of social change and prepares its students for such roles.


Our school is ranked the number one Historically Black College/University in the country and prides itself on its unique vision. Spelman strives to form independent, strong, and educated women of African-American descent unlike any other . At Spelman College, students discover who they truly are. Presented with numerous opportunities for educational enrichment, Spelmanites are challenged to find new interests and augmenting their ability to bond with other young women over their commonalities. Not only this, but the sense of community and sisterhood at the college is overwhelming, building connections that last a lifetime.


Spelman College is number one amongst the nations other Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Spelman has been number one for many consecutive years because of its academic excellence. Spelman College is for women who want to change the world. Spelman is very unique, Spelman promotes and instills power in their students. They are producing tomorrow's doctors, lawyers, and leaders. I feel many courses offered and required for students to take here are unlike other colleges. For example, I have been learning my true history in an African Diaspora course at Spelman. Spelman promotes unity amongst students; a sisterhood.


It pushes the bkack woman to excel in a way that I have never seen before


Spelman College specifically focuses on the empowerment and education of young women. The curriculum includes courses that teaches students about their diverse history. Spelman nourishes the needs of young women and provides an environment that encourages women to be successful in every field, to always serve the community, and to adopt an awareness of global issues. Spelman not only academically educates its students, but also meets their needs emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. You are not just a student at Spelman College, you become a permanent member of a global sisterhood.


Most other schools to which I applied were much larger in size and population. Being an institution that is relatively smaller, Spelman provides an atmosphere in which students are allowed to develop more personal relationships with fellow students as well as professors. Also, Spelman has a sisterhood that can not be found anywhere else. I also think it is important that Spelman seeks to cater to the whole student - mentally, physically and spiritually - not just academically.


The major differences are that we are an all womens college and we are a historically black institution. Also, we have strict male visitation rules which are not common in most colleges.