Spelman College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Spelman College!


Spelman is a place where everyone is very driven to reach their desired goals. I have friends at the institutions I wanted to attend, yet their campus environment seems to lack the drive of Spelman students. Over the summer, most of them were on the couch at home or they graduated without job offers. They are receiving immaculate educations, but they seem to lack a path or the desire to fight to find that path. At Spelman, it is rare to find a student that is not a visionary for her own life.


My school is the number 1 HBCU and it is ranked as the school to have the most successful educated black women.


Being the top Historically Black College of the country, Spelman College provides its students with an invaluable education. An education recieved at Spelman is sought after by top companies and graduate institutions. Obtaining a degree at Spelman also allots the graduate with opportunities that could have possibly been ignored if one attened a Predominately White Institution (PWI). It caters to the specific needs of its students by offering career placement, reducing the student teacher ratio in efforts to maintain relationships and become familiar with names and faces, an element that is lost at a PWI as well.


This school provides opportunities to enhance learning and landing job roles.


Spelman College is a very unique school because of the extraordinary history and traditions surrounding the school. The small class sizes allows students and professors to know each other better and leads to a better learning enviroment. The school is all about siserhood and commnity service.

Janae Alessandra

It is a predomiantly black college as well as all female. This makes it a unique atmoshpere that fosters growth from like mided individuals.


Spelman is an all girl historically black college. The campus is small which allows a closer relationship between students, and between students and faculty. The size of the college is also great for commuting to and from classes and to various buildings in the Atlanta University Center. Spelman is well-known and respected around the country and receives much praise and accolades from a lot of people in high places who frequently take the time out to visit our illustrious school.


Spelman College, an all women school, is the number one historically black college. I considered schools such as Texas Christian University and University of Miami; none which I felt at home on the campus. Walking onto Spelman's campus I immediately fell in love with the energy, you could almost taste the closeness. Spelman's campus is a sisterhood and is filled with women all striving to be successful. The fact that everyone looked like me was a bonus.


The most unique thing about Spelman College is that they provide a close-knit campus where the classrooms are small enough so that every student recieves adequate attention, but large enough for their to be a nice variety of minds working together. The classrooms aren't too small where you hear the same three people's thoughts every single class, but they aren't too large where your own thoughts and ideas are ignored due to size.


My school is currently the number one Historically Black College/University (#1 HBCU) in the nation and was ranked second in the nation for placing African-American students into medical school. As soon as I stepped on campus for my first Spelman College tour, I was in love. The sisterhood is so great, you won't be without a support group and the professors (most) are actually here to help and many even form relationships with their students. The campus is small but very beautiful and the landscaping is always kept nicely from flowers to trees.