One thing that is really unique about my school would be the sisterly bond that we all share with one another, yet we are all so diverse.
The truth about Spelman is that they try to make us work in groups to try to build our sisterhood. However from my experience I have lost friends from group work and broken a sisterhood that could have been formed. So when you hear them talk about sisterhood it really boils down to this if you fit in you are in the sisterhood but if you don't find the other ones that don't fit and form your own sisterhood.
What was unique about Spelman was that it was a historically black all womans college. I chose the school so that i could learn more about my heritage and be able to see and learn about sucessful women of color of whom i could look to as role models
There are so many things about Spelman College that sets us apart from other schools. We are the #1 HBCU, all female school based on Christ, we have our very own hymn that we take very seriously, there are so many traditions that you will love and you get a private school education with a university feel because Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University are less than a mile away, we all make up The Atlanta University Center (AUC).
It is a perfect size and is just a few minutes away from the city. It is a historical black college for women.
What is unique about Spelman college is its broad range of academic opportunities. Ranked as the number one historically black college/university in the United States, Spelman College provides a phenomenal liberal-arts experience that its competitors cannot match. With various technological and educational advancements every year, Spelman College never fails to reinvent itself, creating an improved and long-lasting overall college experience.
The unique thing about Spelman is that it is a sisterhood. It is an all girl College and the bonds between Spelmanites is amazing. If you walk on the street wearing Spelman paraphernalia, people automatically approach you differently and have high expectations. Even though Spelman is an Historically Black College, it is so diverse on campus because everyone is from different states and live different lifestyles.
Spelman College takes pride in upholding the traditions of the school and providing the Black women that attend the institution with the resources needed to be successful and to reach academic excellence. My school is one of the two historically-black colleges for women. Spelman College presses to develop the students as intellects, free-thinkers, and activists for the 21st century. . Spelman's core values: sisterhood, ethical/leadership moral development, respect, balance, academic success, social justice, and diversity are unique in there purpose and expectations of the students that attend.
Spelman College is uique compared to other colleges/uiversities because it values sisterhood ad the impowerment of young women of all backgrounds but particulaily African American women. Spelman is a small college that is able to focus on eachindividul with small class sizes and an outstanding staff. Unlie lrger universities Spelman provides women with a sene of self worth and importance t the world.
My school is beautiful. The campus is a place where I feel relaxed and at home. The faculty, staff, and students are very welcoming and accepting. There is a social group for any interest incliding, political, religious, sexual orientation, and extracurriculat sports.