One of the things I love about Spelman most is the opportunities it affords its students. The Study Abroad resources, internships, and the alumni network make Spelman the school it is. Its academics prepare you for your desired career field but the connections you are able to make while in school are what set Spelman apart from other colleges and universities. Taking advantage of the numerous opportunities outside of the classroom will make your stay at Spelman worth the cost of tuition..
I brag most about the sisterhood and network you gain at your time at Spelman College. Spelman College believes in civility, service, and servitude. Spelman is in the business of making women become game changers. Students at Spelman are raises in a loving community where you can shine in academics as well in the community. When I am asked the frequently asked question of what I like most about my school I say the sisterhood and of course the loving faculty that believes in my dreams and goals.
I brag about how my school prepares their students for internships, summer programs and ultimately securing jobs or graduate school acceptances after their matriculation through Spelman. The Career and Development Center on campus is constantly holding fairs or inviting top companies to meet and interview prospective students for jobs.
Fried Chicken Wednesdays are the best. Mainly because the cooks prepare some of the best peach cobblers that I have ever tasted.
I brag about how much I love the educational environment. The teachers at Spelman College make the campus feel like home. They are concerned about not only our education but also our well being and always ready to lend a helping hand.
I brag most about the strong legacy my school have and the location my school is in. Atlanta is filled with so many oppurtunties and my school staff works together and help students to help the schools legacy thrive.
There are so many great things about Spelman to write home about. It's hard to pin-point one thing in particular, but I do find myself bragging about the oppurtinities presented at Spelman. There are always big companies(i.e Google) looking to recruite Spelman students, and the facuilty makes sure to push the students to get involved. If it isnt a company there are research oppertunites and interships. I also appreciate the sisterhood that Spelman has, wheather it be between the current students and the aulmni, going to school here creates a bond that will be everlasting.
I love that Spelman is completely committed to the success of Black women everywhere. The environment is very supportive, and the professors and students are like family.
The presence of great names and companies. I am a gauranteed the career of my choice if, I take advantage of all opportunities presented to me.
When talking about Spelman the number one thing I brag about is the sisterhood that can be shared on campus. Some young women enter Spelman without a clue of what having a sister is like. I think it is a beautiful thing to have someone to turn to no matter where you are in life, because chances are they have gone through the same experiences. Spelman offers a family expeience that I never felt at any other school I visited during the quest to find the perfect school for me. Overall the reason I choose Spelman was for the sisterhod.