I brag about how much I love the environment and how comfortable I felt. I had so much fun meeting new people and partaking in new experiences. Not only did I have fun attending the parties and campus activities, but the academic side of the school is great too. The professors are very nice and all of the students feel like a second family.
When I speak about my school and my experiences at Spelman College there are only positive things that I can think of. Spelman College is the an amazing school that has provided a pathway for African American women to succeed. My school embodies the empowerment of women and the idea creating women who will be leaders. Also despite the fact that my school is predominantly African American I can honestly say that there is a wide variety of young women who attend. This of course is what helps make my school so much fun and a great place to be.
Not to sound cliche, but there is so much to brag about Spelman College that it is hard to choose just on item to brag about. From the legacy, the sisterhood, and the overall experience while at the school, it is really difficult to narrow down. However I guess if forced to make a decision, I would brag most about the alumni connection. The 130 years that Spelman has been around, has created a great since of sisterhood among its students. Whether on or off campus, the students and alumni prove to be very supportive and encouraging towards each other.
I brag mostly about the quality of education, beauty of the campus, and the sisterhood exemplified throughout the organization.
What I brag about the most about Spelman college is the relationships that peole form while matriculating in the Atlanta University Center. Spelman and Morehouse have always had close ties to each other, being brother and sister school. The men of the Morehouse are like brother to their Spelman sister and look over them as such. The administration is helpful and supportive and you will never find experiences like theirs. Also the people of my class, Class of 2013, are vivacious and wonderful. It's amazing that thses epo le are in the same class together.
Spelman empowers women and exposes them to many opportunites in whatever field they wish to pursue. Spelman gives us the skills to succeded in every aspect in life. Attending Spelman gives you a huge sisterhood to rely on and teaches you how to become a strong woman who will impact the world.
I know all of my professors on a personal level. I can walk right up to them and they know my name, what type of student I am, and my strengths and weaknesses. They want to see me excel here, and they often do everything in their power to make sure that I do.
Probably all of the on campus activites available everyday of the week. There's never a dull moment here @ Spelman or in the Atlanta University Center.
I brag about the art department because it is so well put together. I also brag about the cafe and how the food is completel healthy.
I am always eager to share the enourmous amount of resources and opportunities my show has to share with the students in reference to their future career goals.