Spelman College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Spelman College?


I seldom brag about my school but I talk about being at a historically black college is an amazing experience and I wouldnt trade it for the world!


The family-like community and the variety of learning enrichment activities/programs offered to the students. I really love the traditions and history of my school and the fact that the women are encouraged to do well and strive for excellence in character and academics.


Spelman College is an institutional with a prestigious name. Spelman College is a liberal arts college that empowers young African-American women to make a change in the world. At Spelman College, we believe that we are all free-thinking women and that we are destined for greatness. This institution embodies all that a young woman needs to grow and develop maturely. Spelman College embraces young women in order to maintain integrity, passion, courage, and compassion in order to succeed in any and every future endeavor of the student.


It is the #1 top-rated historically black institution!


The environment at a historical Black College/University can not be duplicated in any other environment. The comradery and support that is experienced by students when they join the legacy of this instution is no comparison. Being able to go to lunch in the caf and hear everyone singing along to old school tunes or going to a school event and experiencing the love brings phenomenal feeling. I honestly can say that I would not rather be anywhere else or with any one else then my Spelman sisters.


School spirit, sisterhood, intellecutal atmosphere, community service oriented, internationally focused, global


Our student love spelman!


it is great


Spelman College exemplifies the highest standards that women in today's society should or are aiming to represent. Here we experience sisterhood and a sense of awareness of ourselves and others, while attaining the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue our chosen career paths.


It is the most prestigious HBCU and it is the hardest to get accepted.