Spelman College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Spelman College?


People who are lazy, closed-minded, or ambitionless, should not attend Spelman. Also, people that are not community oriented, should not attend.


Do not attend Spelman College if you are not prepared to fit outside the mold of a "Spelman Woman". That may sound strange, but part of the journey in college is finding out who you really are. You can't allow yourself to be concerned with the fact that you may not be exactly what the dean says you should be. Everyone has their own path and their own timing. Strive to be your own woman, and when you reach that point, who can really tell you if you're a "Spelman Woman" or not?


Students who just want to go to class and pass a class without understanding the meaning of everything.


Students who aren't looking for a close knit family type environment shouldn't attend Spelman. Spelman is a small campus with small class sizes so it is as if everyone knows everyone on campus.


Someone should not attend Spelman if they arent serious about getting their degree. Spelman above all puts academics as their number one priority. It is okay to go out and have fun, but at the end of the day if you are not getting your work done, no one will take you seriously. You also shouldnt attend this school if you arent ready to embrace the Spelman sisterhood, because it runs deep at this college. Not embracing the Spelman sisterhood, would greatly diminish your experince at Spelman.


A person who is not dedicated to working hard should not attend. A person who is not goal oriented and is easily influenced by environmental factors should not attend this school.


Spelman College is not for everyone. This school is not for someone who does not want to grow personally, socially, professionally, or academically. This school is not for someone who does not want to get out fo their comfort zone in order to succeed. This school is not for someone who does not have an open mind . This school is not for someone who does not want to work hard for all of their rewards.


Someone who is not open-minded should not attend Spelman College. Spelman is a campus filled with endless opportunity, so someone looking to avoid growth and opportunities should definately steer clear of Spelman!


A person who is lazy, who perfers co-ed, doest enjoys HBCU's majority African Americans, and a small campus


I don't believe any person shouldn't attend Spelman, it is a wonderful institution and I believe anyone who is given the opportunity should take full advantage and attend. Besides it being an all female school, I would say clearly males cannot attend, but Morehouse is always right next door.