Spelman College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Spelman College?


Spelman College is a school for women who want to become the best they can be. If you are a young lady who just wants to go to college, party every night, and simply pass your classes, Spelman is not the place for you. Spelman is a place for driven, determined young women.


Well it is an all girls instintution so that eliminates the guys. Someone who does not want to achieve great things in life and be well recognize for it should not attend Spelman.


Spelman is an all woman's college in addition to being an HBCU. Those who are bright and motivated should attend the College.


Someone who lacks patience, and cannot handle the basic truths of life, things won't always go your way but you have to push sometimes and maybe they will.


A person that does not care about their education or about bettering themselves should not attend this school.


Anyone who is not ready to commit their full time and dedicate long hours to their future should not attend Spelman College. People who do not like excitement and tradition, and a strong network of sisterhood should not atend this institution. Spelman College is an amazing place to plan a future which requires tenacity and determination. If someone does not possess these characteristics, then they should not attend Spelman College.


Spelman is a very traditional school so for students who don't like to follow rules and learn cultures and history of their school.l This is not the school for them.


The person who attends this school should be a strong, independnet young lady, not afraid to take challenges. A person who is willing to study hard and excel.


This school is one keeps everyone together just by its name. A person that does not like to be around very energetic and caring people shoul not attend this school. The upperclass students are even nice to the first-year students and make Spelman a very comfortable environment. Spelman holds a very sisterly bond, and someon who would not want to be very close with other people should not attend.


People who aren't sure of their career paths.