The most frustrating aspect about my school is the lack of financial aid. My college is extremely espensive and I want more than anything to graduate from here but I dont know if I will be able to due to the cost and lack of scholarships and financial aid given out.
The most frustrating thing about Spelman college is the over workload they assign to students. However, it helps us prepare for our intended careers.
For me I thought it was going to be a huge transition to attend an all-girls school. I made a lot of friends over the summer but sometimes when people get to college, they realize they have to find themselves. They change and that's okay. You might change and that's okay. College is all about extended growth. Sometimes you outgrow people, and that's frustrating sometimes. It happens a lot where you meet someone you would have never talked to and end up becoming really great friends. Don't judge off first-hand.
The most frustrating thing about my school is being able to adjust to different aspects that I am surrounded by and am forced to adjust to, such as the many different teaching styles of the professors, the unique grading scale, the cost of attending Spelman College, and the living arrangements. However, I am forever grateful for the opportunity of attending this illustrious college. I am able to tolerate and adjust to all of the things that frustrate me because I realize that in life, not all things will go the way I expect them.
The cost of attendence has to be the most frustrating thing. You can work hard and get good grades, but you still may not be offered a scholarship. The overall cost of attendence can cause stress each semester when you are trying to get ready and pay for the next semester.
The most frustrating things are the dorms and the food. The dorms are not up to par with the times and the food is not that great. If I am spending 40000 a year on something, I should be able to get my money's worth.
There's nothing frustrating about my school in my opinion but something that can be difficult to students in there first year of college is the amount of work you have to do in little time compared to high school. You really have to manage your time wisely in college.
The most frustating thing about my school is the long cafeteria lines.
The classes here are very challenging, and will be the most frustrating thing on campus. Professors expect you to challenge yourselves and be up for the challenge they present.
The most frustrating thing about my school is their unorganization, the lack air in my dorm for two years straight, and the strong atmosphere of unusual lifesyles.